Updated 3/24/15
Twitter Chats are a great way to meet like-minded people who make your mind stretch. You can be as much or as little involved as you prefer, answering all of the questions, some, or none.
The basis of a twitter chat is a unified subject matter that uses a specific hashtag (clickable & searchable) which allows you keep track of chat-related tweets.
That’s too much work for me so I prefer to use a chat client that allows you to highlight the moderator and will automatically insert the hashtag. I use TweetChat. Other people use Twubs or just make a column in a Twitter client like TweetDeck or Hootsuite. It’s up to you.
Below are summaries of the four chats I attend when I can.
8 am Pacific – Power of Connection (#PoCchat)
This chat is held weekly on Mondays at 8:00 a.m. PST and, because of the time factor, is the hardest for me to attend. It’s hosted by Bobby Umar (@RaehanBobby) who is known for his Ted Talk “The Five Cs of Connection.“
This chat focuses on leadership with the perspective of making lasting connections and, therefore, is relevant to anyone in business or social media. He generally makes a Storify summary after the fact. Here is an example.
4 pm Pacific – Lead With Giants (#LeadWithGiants)
Dan V. Forbes created this weekly chat on Monday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. PST. Again, it’s an awkward time for me here in California but the chat has great topics about leadership and mentoring.
The moderator is @LeadWithGiants and they usually publish the questions ahead of time. Read more about this chat on their blog.
1 pm Pacific – Digi Blog Chat (#DigiBlogChat)
This chat is hosted by Larry Mount and Carol Stephen. It’s a lower-key but engaging chat. It’s one of the highlights of my week.
Also at 1 pm Pacific is #ColorChat with Donna Frasca.
9 am Pacific – Buffer Chat (#BufferChat)
This chat is hosted by Buffer, a social media scheduling tool. It is fast paced but very informative.
11 am Pacific – Kitchen & Bath Tribe (#KBTribeChat)
This chat is so much fun! If you want to mix humor with lighting fixtures, countertop selections, and plumbing, then you’ll want to join in weekly at 11:00 a.m. PST on Wednesday afternoons. @KBTribeChat is the moderator.
Read more about it on their blog.
9 am Pacific – This is the “House Chat” – Construction Chat (#ConstChat)
I started #ConstChat started May 8, 2014. It’s a weekly chat hosted by us on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Read more here.
Your turn.
What networking events (online or off) do you attend?
Thanks, Bridget! I’d love to participate in more of these kinds of online events!
Thank you, Wendy.
And thanks for taking the time to read and comment.
I absolutely love this post! And hadn’t known about all these chats, either. Thanks for shining the spotlight on some of these chats ~ meeting people is always a good thing!
Agreed and you’re very welcome.
Thank you so much for mentioning KBtribechat. We are honored. It’s always great to see you take part in our Wednesday discussions.
You guys are amazing. I’m just an office manager but it surely is fun!
Entering a shameless plug here of course 😀 #DesignLux, Thursdays 1pm PT/4pm ET has been growing quite steadily since August of 2013. Would love to have you join in!
Thanks, Brandon. Of course, we all like to have recommendations to chats.
And, I am glad to have met you in the #KBTribeChat as well.
Thank you!
You always add so much to #PoCchat. I enjoy seeing you there and now I have a actual name and face behind your twitter handle. I would add #BeALeader chat hosted by @gingerconsult and if you want a really fast pasted but always thought provoking chat try #leadfromwithin hosted by @Lollydaskal.
Happy new year!
Thanks for the kudos an additional chat suggestions, AJ. I appreciate it.
When are #BeALeader and #LeadFromWithin scheduled?
Bridget thank you from all of us here @InternetLabs for including our @TweetChat, and being an awesome member of the #Tweetchat community.
You are very welcome. Tweetchat is awesome!