Everyone starts somewhere in Social Media. Tips and tricks we’ve all learned along the way can be especially helpful to those still navigating uncharted waters.
This interview series features twitter accounts in and around the construction industry, a growing population within the Twittersphere. My only disclaimer is that I do not always agree with the advice.
Twitter Name: @Combotronics Twitter Bio: Repair & Rebuild Industrial Electronics; asphalt construction packaging printing+ specialize in obsolete items not supported by OEM. Company Name: Combotronics, Inc. City/State: Inola, OK Main Website: http://www.combotronics.com Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/Combotronics Admin Name: Roxanne Roark LinkedIN Profile: Klout Score: 57 Followers: 396 Following:Follower Ratio: 0.70
1. When did you start your twitter account?
February 7, 2011
2. What was your biggest obstacle in twitter?
Trying to figure out what to “tweet” about. I had no real help with the account, so I had to learn everything on my own by watching other accounts, trying this or that, and figuring out what worked and what caught people’s attention.
3. How often do you tweet? Do you have a schedule?
No schedule. I start around 7:30 a.m. central/standard time, and tweet throughout my whole day. I am also the Logistics Clerk for my company, so my time with Social Media works around my duties of shipping.
4. What is your recommendation to new people on twitter?
Follow accounts that are similar to your industry. Be kind and generous with your RTs (retweets) and give out thanks anytime someone mentions you or RTs your tweets. Do not follow others just because they follow you. It really doesn’t help the image you are attempting to build for your account. Retweet information that is relevant to your industry, or in the world around you. Keep it interesting.
5. What is your favorite hashtag and why.
I have two: #ClickHappy and #FBLT. I made up ClickHappy once while talking to Bridget (@RigginsConst). She added the hashtag and it made me smile.
#FBLT was created by @Sundt and the other “Fab 4,” as I’ve nicknamed them, @AZDurawrap @Therm_All @RigginsConst have all helped create its popularity. It brings companies together on Facebook, through Twitter, linking everyone to everyone else.
I’ve taken up the torch, too, trying to help out the cause with my #FBLT lists (http://bit.ly/eW5dfL and http://bit.ly/f9l4mV) and #FBLTtips.
6. Did you have a twitter mentor? How did that come about?
I can’t say I have a mentor, but I did learn a lot from @Carol_Stephen and @ToyotaEquipment (Kyle). They frequently give thanks and they both retweet interesting and informative pieces relevant to their niches/Industries. I think I learned about @Carol_Stephen from @SanJosePlumbing, who joined the scene about the same time we did. I think I started following Kyle because I kept seeing interesting information being retweeted from @ToyotaEquipment, and the rest is history. 🙂
7. Can you recommend a twitter account that we should be following?
Yes! @RigginsConst, @Carol_Stephen, @SanJosePlumbing, @TaigaCompany, @ToyotaEquipment, @Sundt, @Therm_All, @AZDurawrap, @ABC_Plastics.
@EXAIR (as well as that team: @exair_bf, @exair_ke, @profpenurious, @exair_jp).
If anyone started with that list, I think they would be in great company.
Additional comments:
First, just remember to be generous and tweet interesting information. Secondly, I really appreciate Bridget (@RigginsConst) for starting this series and I appreciate even more that she thought me worthy enough for a feature! 🙂 Thank you.
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inspiring…you just do it ladies…the femmes are killin’ it!!
Great interview! I also extend gratitude to Bridget W. for starting this series. You both rock!
For full disclosure, I don’t really agree with Roxanne’s narrow focus on who she follows (or follows back), but that is a matter of preference.
I recommend following people in your locality of any business as well as related businesses (for us real estate, suppliers, vendors).
Thanks for another interesting interview!
It’s nice to sort of get to know the person behind the handle!!
– @etplastics aka @pam4187
I agree. I’ll be calling her Roxanne instead of Combotronics. 🙂