Featured Tweeter @FilmoreClark

Everyone starts somewhere in Social Media.  Tips and tricks we’ve all learned along the way can be especially helpful to those still navigating uncharted waters.

This interview series features twitter accounts in and around the construction industry, a growing population within the Twittersphere.  My only disclaimer is that I do not always agree with the advice.


Twitter Name: @FilmoreClark
Twitter Bio: Artisan tile studio featuring the best in American made ceramic, glass and mosaics.
City/State: West Hollywood, CA
Main Website: www.filmoreclark.com
Facebook Page: facebook.com/filmoreclark1
Admin Name:  Lee Harris Nicholson
Klout Score: 50
Followers: 1,861
Following:Follower Ratio: 1.03


1. When did you start your twitter account?

My first tweet was sometime in February 2010 as that was the official open date for the studio.

2. What was your biggest obstacle in twitter?

What to say and how to say it in 140 characters so anyone would want to follow me!

I thought Twitter was more for personal use, but quickly found out that there is a thriving professional community that is so supportive and inspiring.

3. How often do you tweet? Do you have a schedule?

I open Twitter first thing to respond to any RT’s or mentions right away. Then, I scan my “Lists” for interesting or educational tweets or links. I find that since a lot of the people I follow are on the East Coast I need an early start.

How many times I tweet is really dependent upon what is going on in my day or what inspires me for the day. Often, there is a great discussion that is happening on Twitter so I might tweet a lot in a short time.

4. What is your recommendation to new people on twitter?

Be authentic, supportive, and true to your voice. Whatever business or reason for being on twitter, people want to know who you are like the saying “People buy from people, not companies.” Share what you like, the food you love cooking, and, of course, images of your cat or dog!

5. What is your favorite hashtag and why.

There are a few that are definitely tops for me.

For lively design discussions #designtv, #interiordesignerchat, #kbtribechat.

For advice on getting your brand or product to press #getpublished is fantastic!

6. Did you have a twitter mentor? How did that come about?

No real mentor, officially. My website designer urged me to look at twitter and consider using as part of my business. I searched for LA designers and found a great network of professionals to follow.

7. Can you recommend a twitter account that we should be following?

There are so many great people on Twitter! Hard to narrow it down but if forced to I would say @tkpleslie. Leslie is owner of The Kaleidoscope Partnership and does great social media for her furniture industry clients. She instigates great discussions and has been so supportive of me. Her professionalism and thoughtfulness is a wonderful attribute to aspire to when using twitter.

More Featured Tweeters

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