Construction Chat is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.
Justifying Twitter
Sometimes it can be frustrating when everyone asks us why we spend time on Twitter or what exactly are we doing. It’s even worse when they outright insult us.
So, the questions were asked and answered during Construction Chat.
Q1. Are you often approached by Gen Pop about using Twitter?
A1. Not often, but when I say I "do" social media, people will ask me about Twitter, then listen with a quizzical look #constchat
— Feeney, Inc. (@FeeneyInc) September 17, 2015
A1. Not approached, but we want to be relevant and that is one reason to be available and engaged via Twitter. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) September 17, 2015
A1. Lots. Mostly asking what it's actually supposed to do though…"Does it work though?" #constchat
— Blackheath Products (@BlackheathP) September 17, 2015
A1 no, but not many people I know IRL know I'm on it #constchat
— BlueSteele Solutions (@BlueSteeleTX) September 17, 2015
@FeeneyInc "You do that Twitter thing? I don't get it" says everyone. #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) September 17, 2015
A1. Not really. But people aren't always sure what I mean when I say I do social media for my job. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) September 17, 2015
A1. The general pop. seems more interested in Twitter. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 17, 2015
A1. Ppl always want to know how does Twitter work for biz and why should they be on it. #constchat
— Hope Williams (@HopeworksDesign) September 17, 2015
A1. Plus, I really only use Twitter for work. I have a personal account but rarely use it. Kind of ironic. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) September 17, 2015
A1. Or with family & friends, they say "It's all Greek to me" #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) September 17, 2015
A1. Yesterday someone said they had a website. "I think that's what it's called." she said. Hahaha! #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 17, 2015
A1 I try to explain the value of biz relationships #constchat
— BlueSteele Solutions (@BlueSteeleTX) September 17, 2015
Q2. What do you tell a person who says they don’t get Twitter?
A2) Twitter is a great tool to connect with vendors, partners, & customers. Have something to say? You should be on Twitter. #Constchat
— CapitalTristate (@CapitalTristate) September 17, 2015
A2. I usually say that I didn't get it at first, either…which is true. You have to use it consistently to see its value. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) September 17, 2015
A2 I have the urge to give them the same blank stare they give me. but instead try to explain its awesomeness #constchat
— Hope Williams (@HopeworksDesign) September 17, 2015
A2. Try and reassure them it's not opening your business up to trolls. Twitter is for nice things too! #constchat
— Blackheath Products (@BlackheathP) September 17, 2015
A2) Sometimes I ask them, what exactly is it that they don't get, and I try to explain it as simply as possible. #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) September 17, 2015
A2) I tell them that it's another way to network and connect. The ability to grow with like-minded people from all over the world #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) September 17, 2015
A2 we get our best engagement on Twitter of all the SM platforms #Constchat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) September 17, 2015
Q3. What value is there in talking about the weather?
A3. It connects you with people. Starts conversations. People have been talking about the weather since the dawn of time. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) September 17, 2015
A3. Small talk opens up to other topics. We all have weather in common. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 17, 2015
A3. exactly what @MaterialHndling and @WindowWorksCA said! #ConstChat
— Hope Williams (@HopeworksDesign) September 17, 2015
A3) Twitter is a good tool to use when your business has locations shut down due to inclement weather. #constchat
— CapitalTristate (@CapitalTristate) September 17, 2015
A3)When you're a larger company & people look to Twitter for real time answers, it's a great way to say that the office is closed #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) September 17, 2015
A3 – It's a common ground which can help connect and grow the conversation. #ConstChat #LateButHere
— Sunflex Wall Systems (@sunflexwalls) September 17, 2015
A3 if nothing else, it's a nice way to relax—the weather isn't controversial and doesn't require thought for us common folk #constchat
— BlueSteele Solutions (@BlueSteeleTX) September 17, 2015
It's your basic watercooler convo starter RT @sunflexwalls A3 – It's a common ground which can help… #ConstChat #LateButHere
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) September 17, 2015
A3. Useful if you've been snowed under or flooded out, otherwise…well, I can look out the window for myself to see it's sunny #constchat
— Blackheath Products (@BlackheathP) September 17, 2015
Interesting, never really thought about it RT @RigginsConst A3. People start relationships with small talk. #constchat
— BlueSteele Solutions (@BlueSteeleTX) September 17, 2015
Q4. Isn’t building relationships the real goal of Twitter?
A4. Yes, all social media is about relationships, right? #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 17, 2015
A4. Definitely. With your customer, businesses you work with, others in the industry. We all like companies who seem 'nice'. #constchat
— Blackheath Products (@BlackheathP) September 17, 2015
A4 – Twitter is a tool. The goal of Twitter is dependent on the user. #constchat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) September 17, 2015
A4 I think that's the ultimate goal, but also a great place for discovery, news, trends, etc #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) September 17, 2015
A4. If you're not building relationships on Twitter, you're doing it wrong. #constchat
— Riggins Construction (@RigginsConst) September 17, 2015
A4) Connecting, sharing experiences and commonalities is key #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) September 17, 2015
A4 Twitter IS relationships #constchat
— BlueSteele Solutions (@BlueSteeleTX) September 17, 2015
Q5. Have you gone to meetups (Tweetups)?
By the way, look up your area on I go to a really good social media group that I found there.
A5 Not yet, but would def do so. #ConstChat
— Hope Williams (@HopeworksDesign) September 17, 2015
A5. Once, a few years back, but theme was local tweeters rather than industry specific. It was…interesting… #constchat
— Blackheath Products (@BlackheathP) September 17, 2015
A5. Nope. Haven't been invited to any. 🙁 #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) September 17, 2015
A5 not a meetup exactly, but did get to meet a few cool peeps at WordCamp 🙂 #constchat
— BlueSteele Solutions (@BlueSteeleTX) September 17, 2015
A5) I've never gone but I would love to meet up with people in person! #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) September 17, 2015
Met ==>> @BlueSteeleTX and @RigginsConst through Twitter! #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 17, 2015
A5 Nope, but wouldn't be opposed to attending one #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) September 17, 2015
A5. Have met SO MANY great people through Twitter. They become friends. That's the real ROI. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 17, 2015
Q6. What’s your number 1 advice about starting on Twitter?
A6. Get rid of the egg!!! #constchat
— Blackheath Products (@BlackheathP) September 17, 2015
A6 Don't be afraid to be yourself—people are much more interested in authenticity #constchat
— BlueSteele Solutions (@BlueSteeleTX) September 17, 2015
A6. find engaged businesses in your industry, follow them and learn #ConstChat
— Feeney, Inc. (@FeeneyInc) September 17, 2015
A6. Just jump right in. Start following and talking to people. Don't be afraid to start conversations. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) September 17, 2015
A6. add a pic and fill out your profile. then go find people to engage with. be yourself, have fun, make friends. #ConstChat
— Hope Williams (@HopeworksDesign) September 17, 2015
A6) Start connecting with Customers & Vendors first. Say hello with a compliment and follow. Then add them to a Twitter List. #Constchat
— CapitalTristate (@CapitalTristate) September 17, 2015
A6. After your profile looks good, go out and say hello to people. They usually say hello back! #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 17, 2015
A6) I would say, not to just jump in. Say "Hi" & introduce yourself and your brand #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) September 17, 2015
A6 respond to people when they tweet to you and don't DM with offers just because I followed you #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) September 17, 2015
A6. Don't tweet out your blog post to people who don't know you, for gosh sakes! #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 17, 2015
Yes. Don't forget to be polite! Respond and say thank you. MT @cdcnews: A6 respond to people when they tweet to you #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) September 17, 2015
A6 Also, embed your video, don't tweet that you just posted a new video on @Youtube #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) September 17, 2015
A6. Don't be on Twitter if it's just a Facebook feed. Ugh. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 17, 2015
Absolutely love the recaps. Keep them coming!
Thanks, Nick. I appreciate that.