Construction Chat is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.
This week’s chat topic was estimating and proposal writing.
A HUGE diamond. 🙂 #sorry RT @RigginsConst Q7: What are your proposal tips? #ConstChat
— Teri Peters (@hipEchik) February 26, 2015
Q1: Do you give free estimates?
We sure do and always travel to customer's home too if necessary! RT @RigginsConst: Q1: Do you give free estimates? #ConstChat
— Pool Services Tech (@PSTPools) February 26, 2015
A1. Yes, estimates free. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) February 26, 2015
A1. Not in my book…we are professionals too right? RT @RigginsConst: A1. Our estimates are free. #ConstChat
— Coleen Dolan (@CertifiedLeads) February 26, 2015
A1. Yes we do along with free specification help. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) February 26, 2015
A1. We provide free quotes, if that counts. #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) February 26, 2015
A1 We respond to RFPs and give proposals no charge. Offer estimating as a paid service as well #ConstChat
— BSB Design (@BSBDesign) February 26, 2015
A1. We're actually an estimating service company so we don't usually give away our estimates for free. #constchat
— The Highmark Group (@highmarkgroup) February 26, 2015
A1: Our estimates are free but only for qualified leads. We meet and chat with them about their lot & price. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) February 26, 2015
Q2: What information do you give with your estimate/proposal?
A2. We try to do as much as possible over the phone. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) February 26, 2015
A2. Quantities, Grade of hardware, description of material, if we are changing anything, qualifications etc etc. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) February 26, 2015
A2. If the design agreement is entered into then we give all we can in the scope for our estimates #constchat
— Coleen Dolan (@CertifiedLeads) February 26, 2015
Q2: This is why we meet and qualify our leads. Estimates for us are a pricing & eventually a 3D rendering. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) February 26, 2015
A2. We provide material counts, irrigation bid-designs, close-out documents, and when needed submittals, O&Ms. #constchat
— The Highmark Group (@highmarkgroup) February 26, 2015
A2. We have consultants available to help clients achieve their desired outcome. #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) February 26, 2015
A2. Scope of work, how long process will take, benefits of the service along with certain guarantees. Also the price 🙂 #constchat
— Pool Services Tech (@PSTPools) February 26, 2015
Q3: What software do you use?
Depends. Construction budget part of it @RigginsConst See diagram of our estimating services #ConstChat
— BSB Design (@BSBDesign) February 26, 2015
A3. We use a proven Detailed Excell sheet…nothing else compares #Constchat
— Coleman Con. Service (@ColemanService) February 26, 2015
@RigginsConst Use excel! It is also easy to use, tech, share. #ConstChat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) February 26, 2015
Excel is a go-to for so many people. It's worth learning. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) February 26, 2015
A3. We use our own software. Though, we also take advantage of Google Docs! #constchat
— The Highmark Group (@highmarkgroup) February 26, 2015
Q4: Are you ever worried about giving away your secret sauce?
A4. Yes! its what is holding me back from expanding..have to rethink #ConstChat
— Coleman Con. Service (@ColemanService) February 26, 2015
A4. Not so much worried. You can usually spot competitors. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) February 26, 2015
@RigginsConst A4: No, I save my worrying for more important things! #ConstChat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) February 26, 2015
A4. We feel our excellence service is our secret sauce and we want to spread that to our customers! #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) February 26, 2015
A4: Nope! Our craftsmanship and service set us apart. You can't fake that. Plus San Antonio is very competitive! #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) February 26, 2015
Q4. We do sometimes worry about giving it away, but we also try not to worry about competition. We know we provide a good prod. #constchat
— The Highmark Group (@highmarkgroup) February 26, 2015
A4. As long as they pay for the Sauce I'm not worried! #ConstChat
— Coleen Dolan (@CertifiedLeads) February 26, 2015
A4 – No because people look at us as the experts in service we provide so thankfully we never let them down No competition either #constchat
— Pool Services Tech (@PSTPools) February 26, 2015
Q5: Do you have a set pricing structure or does it depend on each project?
A5. For us as a estimating service it depends on each project, size..time..etc…#ConstChat
— Coleman Con. Service (@ColemanService) February 26, 2015
A5 – We have pretty set pricing for our major jobs but there are always some circumstances that can change them. #constchat
— Pool Services Tech (@PSTPools) February 26, 2015
A5. As a manufacturer we have a set pricing structure to our distributors. When I was a distributor it depended on the project. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) February 26, 2015
Q5: We have general cost per foot numbers and a starting price. Pool building depends on lot survey, size and finishes. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) February 26, 2015
A5. Depends. Set prices on products, but we also offer custom design/layout, engineering, fabrication services w/ varying costs. #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) February 26, 2015
@RigginsConst A5 Everyting is valid, that's the importance of lesson learned and having a good cost accounting tracking software #ConstChat
— ConstructionExpert (@ingenierocivil) February 26, 2015
Q6: Would you ever consider outsourcing your proposal writing?
@RigginsConst @CertifiedLeads A6: You should. SME's will facilitate to get new jobs with their expertise and knowledge.
— ConstructionExpert (@ingenierocivil) February 26, 2015
A6. I wish more would see the benefit of having a Chief Estimator in their company. We help so many no overhead #ConstChat
— Coleman Con. Service (@ColemanService) February 26, 2015
A5. Our proposals aren't that complex. It's window film. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) February 26, 2015
A6. It wouldn't work for us as a manufacturer but definitely has value. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) February 26, 2015
A6: Yes to get that marketing experience – I provide content they make it better #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) February 26, 2015
A6. We don't write proposals, we do the #takeoffs, #biddesigns, and #submittals. #constchat
— The Highmark Group (@highmarkgroup) February 26, 2015
A6. I used to work in Marketing Dept. for a large commercial construction co. & we did the proposals…so I'd have to say no. 🙂 #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) February 26, 2015
Really impacts bottom line profitability RT @WindowWorksCA @ColemanService A6. wish more would see benefit of a Chief Estimator. #ConstChat
— BSB Design (@BSBDesign) February 26, 2015
Q7: What are your proposal tips?
A7. Use language the clients can understand. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) February 26, 2015
A7: Provide a WOW factor, provide them some great information even if they choose someone else #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) February 26, 2015
A7 cont. Include a detailed scope of work and tell client to use to compare other quotes #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) February 26, 2015
@RigginsConst A7: Proposal tips?, here are a couple of them #ConstChat
— ConstructionExpert (@ingenierocivil) February 26, 2015
A7 clear, focused language that is customer-centric. Don't talk about yourself, talk about how you can help the client #ConstChat
— BlueSteele Solutions (@BlueSteeleTX) February 26, 2015
A7. Use simple language. That said, there are still "million dollar words." #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) February 26, 2015
A7: Create something with your proposals that makes you stand out. We give a past clients sheet & let them visit our past work. #ConstChat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) February 26, 2015
@RigginsConst A7 Presenting multiple alternatives to solve one issue. #ConstChat
— ConstructionExpert (@ingenierocivil) February 26, 2015
A7: Don't forget the benefits – why choose you Time? Quality? Reliability? It's more than the project #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) February 26, 2015
#ConstChat Provide a good, better, best alternative. Keep it simple.
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) February 26, 2015
A7: For contractors the real product is the construction experience – how you deliver your services – project is by product #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) February 26, 2015
Q8. Does your proposal include a list of exclusions?
A7 Always. “@RigginsConst: Q8. Does your proposal include a list of exclusions? #ConstChat”
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) February 26, 2015
@RigginsConst A8 It's a must. The larger the exclusions, the lower the probability #ConstChat
— ConstructionExpert (@ingenierocivil) February 26, 2015
A8. Include a list of inclusions and exclusions – a very clear scope of work #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) February 26, 2015
@RigginsConst Ahhh. It is all in the details! #ConstChat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) February 26, 2015
A8 setting boundaries is important #ConstChat
— BlueSteele Solutions (@BlueSteeleTX) February 26, 2015
.@HagerCo @RigginsConst Agree – Always important to clearly define that scope – How else would you do it!
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) February 26, 2015
Bonus Tweets:
@RigginsConst expectations are premeditated resentments!
— BlueSteele Solutions (@BlueSteeleTX) February 26, 2015
Offer to compare them for them apples to apples! RT @RigginsConst: Do you find that they do compare or flip to the price? #ConstChat
— Coleen Dolan (@CertifiedLeads) February 26, 2015
Will do! You guys really get this chat stuff! RT @RigginsConst Don't forget to stalk hashtag & subscribe to blog for recap #ConstChat
— BSB Design (@BSBDesign) February 26, 2015
Tweets about #ConstChat have reached 28,760 accounts via @tweetreachapp
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) February 26, 2015
What’s your two cents?
Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.