Construction Chat was started May 8, 2014, to build community among the construction-inclined.
This weekly chat is hosted by Riggins Construction Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. We’d love you to join us, if you’re free next week.
(I put a reminder in my calendar. Otherwise, even I would forget.)
This week’s topic focused on loss:
@RigginsConst We could talk about that. I'm sure it would be a heartfelt chat for all involved. Everyone has lost someone.
— Window Works USA (@WindowWorksUSA) September 9, 2014
Q1. How many people work in your office?
A1: Over 1000 employees here spread out throughout the country. #ConstChat
— United Site Services (@UnitedSiteServ) September 11, 2014
Here in HQ around 120 employees. #ConstChat
— United Site Services (@UnitedSiteServ) September 11, 2014
Q2. Do you get together often for activities?
Yes, we do to celebrate good/help with tough times. RT @RigginsConst: Q2. Do you get together often for activities? #ConstChat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 11, 2014
A2. Yes, we have open houses and lots of informal get togethers. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 11, 2014
A2: Not as often as we should #ConstChat
— United Site Services (@UnitedSiteServ) September 11, 2014
A2. Yes! We do lunch gatherings often. It's nice to sit down and have a moment with the family from work. #ConstChat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) September 11, 2014
Q3. Does an unexpected departure (quit/terminated) affect the rest of the team?
A3. Oh, yes. Someone leaving affects everyone. Even if someone goes on vacation, we miss them. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 11, 2014
A3. Always. There's that vacuum called loss. It's a reminder of how brief life is and what/who we should appreciate daily #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) September 11, 2014
YES! RT @WindowWorksCA A3. Oh, yes. Someone leaving affects everyone. Even if someone goes on vacation, we miss them. #ConstChat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) September 11, 2014
A3b. Totally understand not wanting to get attached after going through loss. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 11, 2014
@RigginsConst A3: My colleageues from a prior job were all taken to an offsite meeting where they were told they needed to leave. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 11, 2014
Q4. How do you deal with loss in that situation?
@RigginsConst Yes. I even felt genuinely sad toward one who clearly hated me but was let go #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) September 11, 2014
A4. You have to grieve, no matter what. They are your family. Your work family. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 11, 2014
It really can hurt. RT @WindowWorksCA: A4. You have to grieve, no matter what. They are your family. Your work family. #ConstChat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 11, 2014
@RigginsConst You bring up an excellent point. We can grieve what we're used to, even if it is far from perfect. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) September 11, 2014
Q5. Have you experienced death of a current or former coworker?
A5: In the last year, I've lost two former co-workers who brightened up every room. Why, oh, why? #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 11, 2014
@ZirconTools Sometimes we spend even more time with co-workers than family. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 11, 2014
@RigginsConst A5 – two co-workers, one while I was there (already mentioned) and one who was a former employee. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) September 11, 2014
A5 Not that kind of loss thankfully #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) September 11, 2014
A5. Yes. And it was such a shock. Even though I knew she was suffering from cancer, it was unexpected. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 11, 2014
A5. No, but I can imagine how hard it would be. #ConstChat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) September 11, 2014
@RigginsConst yes & we were extremely close. Still miss her to this day & think of her often #ConstChat
— HANDYGUYZ™ (@handyguyzinfo) September 11, 2014
Q6. How did the company deal with the loss?
@RigginsConst A6: We had meetings and talked about our feelings. We wrote a big good-bye card. We went to the services together. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) September 11, 2014
@RigginsConst A6c – It just doesn't seem real when it happens. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) September 11, 2014
Q7. What is your advice in dealing with grief?
A8. Everyone grieves differently. Some days will be easy, some will be very difficult. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 11, 2014
A7: Be open, share, and reach out to others. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) September 11, 2014
Agreed RT @ZirconTools A7: Be open, share, and reach out to others. #constchat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) September 11, 2014
A7: Be vulnerable. Get support from family, co-workers & friends. Share your feelings about your loss. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 11, 2014
A7. Talk about it. Turn to each other #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) September 11, 2014
Talking really helps RT @SocialSMktg: A7. Talk about it. Turn to each other #ConstChat
— Kathleen Harrington (@Kathleen_T_H) September 11, 2014
A7b. Face grief as it is. Don't deny it. #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) September 11, 2014
A7 Give yourself and your work family permission to take time to heal after a loss. #ConstChat
— United Site Services (@UnitedSiteServ) September 11, 2014
Bonus Tweets:
@MyFixitUpLife Never take for granted the goodness. It is a guiding principle for me – treat people well. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 11, 2014
@ZirconTools Sometimes we spend even more time with co-workers than family. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 11, 2014
Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.
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