Construction Chat was started May 8, 2014, to build community among the construction-inclined.
This weekly chat is hosted by Riggins Construction Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. We’d love you to join us, if you’re free next week.
(I put a reminder in my calendar. Otherwise, even I would forget.)
This week’s topic focused on Pinterest:
Q1: What prompted you to start a Pinterest account?
A1 I started Pinterest for recipes. #constchat
— Amy Donohue (@TheFabSocial) August 21, 2014
A1. Honestly? Some of my friends made fun of me. And I'm a social media manager, so felt obligated. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
A1. Lots of designers use Pinterest and I wanted to make them aware of our products. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 21, 2014
A1 sadly we have not been active w/our pinterest account yet. Name is reserved. Hope to learn from my peers today during #ConstChat
— United Site Services (@UnitedSiteServ) August 21, 2014
A1 – Started Pinterest just to see what all the "hype" was all about #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 21, 2014
A1 Using Pinterest while it is still "free." I expect it to go to a pay model like Facebook any day now. #ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) August 21, 2014
A1. Experience. I need to know how it's done for clients. Besides that, I love images, and I also love to curate. #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) August 21, 2014
Q2: Do you have pinners you admire?
A2. Yes. Many brands have fabulous Pinterest accounts. Individuals, too. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
A2: There are some new home builders that do Pinterest right. Lots of inspiration. #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 21, 2014
A2a. When I admire a pinner, I follow their entire account. Otherwise, I repin pins or follow boards. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
Q3: What is your strategy?
A3. Generally to promote events, drive traffic to blogs, entertain, increase awareness, have fun. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
A3 I don't have one. When I get a bug up my ass, I go to Pinterest to look for stuff like HAIR AND MAKEUP. 😉 #constchat
— Amy Donohue (@TheFabSocial) August 21, 2014
A3. I need a new strategy! #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 21, 2014
A3 Learn by doing @RigginsConst Q3: What is your strategy {on Pinterest] ? #ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) August 21, 2014
A3: Be there consistently #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) August 21, 2014
Q4: Are you a liker or a commenter?
A4. Yes. Commenting is underutilized and will garner more attention. Likes? Not so much. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
A4. Liker Like Like #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 21, 2014
A4 – I wish there was a way to "like" someone's comment, and not have to comment back. #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 21, 2014
A4 Not finding a lot of #forklift industry stuff on Pinterest (mostly just forklift toys) so not a lot to comment on. #ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) August 21, 2014
Q5: Do you follow everyone back?
A5. No. I don't follow everyone back. They need to have quality pins or be someone I know. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
A5. Nope. I don't follow everyone back especially the FAKE accounts #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) August 21, 2014
A5: Honestly, no. #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 21, 2014
A5 I don't follow everyone back on ANY platform. If your content is crap and unsocial, you're #deadtome #constchat
— Amy Donohue (@TheFabSocial) August 21, 2014
A5. No, especially since we are a business. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 21, 2014
#ConstChat A5: I may follow a board not the account. That happens often.
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) August 21, 2014
A5 Follow back @RigginsConst Q5: Do you follow everyone back? [on #Pinterest] #ConstChat #hollaback 🙂
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) August 21, 2014
Q6: Have you made the most of your boards?
A6. I'm on there a LOT. And change boards every day. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
A6. Sadly no. I created boards & now want to consolidate. Is that possible? #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 21, 2014
RT @HagerCo A6. I created boards & now want to consolidate. Is that possible? #ConstChat <<You can. You may want to use secret boards.
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
A6 @RigginsConst First two rows for popular boards…above the fold. The rest below the fold #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) August 21, 2014
A6b Since Pinterest now enables search, write a good description #ConstChat.
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) August 21, 2014
Q7: What are some of your Pinterest challenges?
A7: Time and remembering to do it #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 21, 2014
A7 Making time for it. #constchat
— Amy Donohue (@TheFabSocial) August 21, 2014
A7. Finding the time. Finding high-quality, original content (or creating original content). Ferreting out fakes. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
A7. Time. Pinterest requires a lot of time. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 21, 2014
Q8. Here’s a question. Is there any disadvantage to posting a photo (your own) directly to Pinterest?
A8. Put your name on your photos and content. Always. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
A8 There is always a concern that someone will steal one's photos, but really I don't worry about it #ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) August 21, 2014
Q8-a But if it doesn't link back to your website, is a photo alone doing much good? #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 21, 2014
@WindowWorksCA @RigginsConst @TessWittler No, if you click edit and link it to a blog post or your website #ConstChat
— Daniela Lazovska (@Danielal007) August 21, 2014
Q9. Okay new question. Do you make images for your blog posts specifically for how it will look pinned?
A9. More and more, I'm using larger images to look better on Pinterest. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
A9: For blogs, images are mine & streamline (high-res) it 4 all platforms. Small biz maximizing time #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) August 21, 2014
Q10. Have you made a map board?
A10. Yes, I have a couple of map boards. They're a lot of fun. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
Bonus Tweets:
Let's do it! RT @WindowWorksCA A collaborative board for contractors on Pinterest would be oh-so-cool! #ConstChat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 21, 2014
Tweets about #Constchat have reached 37,473 accounts via @tweetreachapp
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
We'd love to see more construction pics on Pinterest, etc. Social is design heavy. @TessWittler @WindowWorksCA @LiftecForklifts #constchat
— MyFixitUpLife (@MyFixitUpLife) August 21, 2014
@RigginsConst Yes. People are on Pinterest to shop and BUY STUFF. If women are your audience…hello?! Get on Pinterest! #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 21, 2014
We watermark especially on our cartoons. RT @WindowWorksCA A8. Put your name on your photos and content. Always. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 21, 2014
Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.
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