Construction Chat is a new chat hosted by us on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. We’d love you to join if you’re free next week.
(I put a reminder in my calendar. Otherwise, even I would forget.)
This week’s topic:
This week we discussed problems during the course of a project. Below are the questions, as asked, and some highlighted answers.
Thank you for the topic suggestion @SplinterGirl:
A8 How to deal with problems on a project? Contract documents and fine print? #ConstChat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) May 8, 2014
Q1. Have you ever had problems during a project?
A1. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong during a project. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) May 15, 2014
A1. Yes! I think every project has at least ONE problem, be it small or large #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) May 15, 2014
A1 I think every job has something that was unplanned. #ConstChat It largely is whether you allow it to be a big deal.
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) May 15, 2014
Q2. Have you ever lost a job during the project?
A2. Yes! It is very frustrating because you don't get to see the vision you shared w/ client come to fruition #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) May 15, 2014
Prob i have seen in submittal process where sometime we send competitor product when short and plmb contractor is forced to resub #ConstChat
— Tylerpipetx (@Tylerpipetx) May 15, 2014
we are both made to exact standard and dimentions #ConstChat
— Tylerpipetx (@Tylerpipetx) May 15, 2014
@RigginsConst A2 we lost tile guys due to poor workmanship. Would not fix issues. :(. #ConstChat
— Beth Staub (@AdventureGlass) May 15, 2014
A2 I don't believe we've ever lost one midway…does terrify me on some of the commercial work with funding and such #ConstChat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) May 15, 2014
Q3. Have you ever walked off a job? (You can talk about a *friend* if it helps.)
A3. Had a *friend* walk off a job where there were extremely unsafe conditions. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) May 15, 2014
Job Safety SHOULD be priority number 1 #ConstChat
— Tylerpipetx (@Tylerpipetx) May 15, 2014
A3 We've not walked off, but had to fire a sub once midway because of safety. #ConstChat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) May 15, 2014
A3 We generally try to assess the job well before manufacturing/site work starts to be sure #ConstChat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) May 15, 2014
Q4. Have you had to file a mechanic’s lien?
A4. Never had to file a mechanics lien. Knock on glass. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) May 15, 2014
A4 We filed a mechanic's lien on a project…still no money back for it. #ConstChat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) May 15, 2014
Q5. How can you avoid problems during the project?
A5. Do as much planning as possible. But you'll still have unforeseen problems. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) May 15, 2014
A5. A well organized thorough time line is essential. That way all are on same page & know what to expect & when #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) May 15, 2014
Don't be afraid to call a manufacturer and ask questions about product they have folks like me that are paid to answer them. #ConstChat
— Tylerpipetx (@Tylerpipetx) May 15, 2014
A5 I believe it starts first with a well worded, detailed quote so the client understands very early what you are doing. #ConstChat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) May 15, 2014
Q6. What role does paperwork play in problem negation or prevention?
A6. A paper trail is ESSENTIAL! It documents communications, etc. I say CYA-Cover Your A** #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) May 15, 2014
A6. Paperwork can be a CYA later on. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) May 15, 2014
Q7. Do you go forward with change order scope if the paperwork isn’t signed?
A7 And, here's where we can come up lacking at times. #ConstChat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) May 15, 2014
A7. No. Because if it isn't signed. They will find a reason not to pay or fight it #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) May 15, 2014
A7. Depends upon the size of the job. For a big job, no. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) May 15, 2014
A7: Depends on the project and GC, but deadlines are deadlines. Sometimes arrangments must be nailed down 1st #ConstChat
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) May 15, 2014
Q7b. Will you go forward on a change order with a verbal or email approval?
A7b. Email, yes. Verbal, no. Unless it is a taped convo :0 #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) May 15, 2014
A7b Email! Get everything in writing. #ConstChat
— Amy Donohue (@TheFabSocial) May 15, 2014
A7b Depends on whether we've worked w GC before. Trust factor is huge. If 10+ projects, we go for it. #ConstChat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) May 15, 2014
@Splintergirl @RigginsConst depends on relationship. Easier to help people who are willing to help others. #Teamwork #Constchat
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) May 15, 2014
Q8. Will repeated problems be a reason to fire client/sub?
A8. That depends on the size of a client. If bringing in lots of $, you can sometimes swallow a little #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) May 15, 2014
A8 Repeated problems are reasons to put PIA amount into next bid #ConstChat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) May 15, 2014
A8. Depends upon what the problems are. If problems aren't their fault, see if things improve. Maybe. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) May 15, 2014
A8. Love the Jerk Surcharge. Some just aren't worth the trouble. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) May 15, 2014
Q9. Since it was brought up, does anyone else up their price on a problem client?
@RigginsConstruction as soon as you are contemplating litigation, the relationship is over. Firing a sub depends on contract terms.
— Soizic Reynal (@SoizicReynal) May 15, 2014
@RigginsConst We back the GC on many occassions if we have a good relationship. #ConstChat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) May 15, 2014
A9. Yes. I build in extra fees to pay for all the Advil I will have to take #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) May 15, 2014
Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.
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Last Week:
May 8, 2014, was our first very first chat and the discussion was in honor of Safety Week 2014. Hard Hat Hub was the co-host. They posted highlights from that chat on their post, “Three Safety Best Practices From #ConstChat 5/8/14.”
@RigginsConst We should try co-hosting an industry one. Maybe use a hashtag to get it going and people will join in. Have a good night!
— Hard Hat Hub (@hardhathub) May 1, 2014