Construction Chat is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.
We had a great chat today about resolutions, goals, and how to get there.
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— Riggins Construction (@RigginsConst) January 8, 2015
Q1. What is the difference between a resolution and a goal?
A1. I'd say a resolution is more general, whereas a goal has specifics. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 8, 2015
A1. A resolution is the action of solving a problem. A goal is the outcome you wish to have. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) January 8, 2015
@RigginsConst A1: I consider a resolution to be something that I DON'T want to do, a goal is more positive! #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) January 8, 2015
@HagerCo @iSqFt It really is about goal setting and establishing a positive roadmap for the year. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) January 8, 2015
A1 taking a stab at this: Goal = finite, measurable, attainable Resolution = habit, commitment, way to improve yourself #ConstChat
— Bill Sutton LEED AP (@LEED_Resource) January 8, 2015
Q2. Are you a big picture person or a detail-oriented person?
a2: sometimes I get too stuck in the details so I am trying to be more big picture. #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) January 8, 2015
A2. I would have to say both but weigh more on the details side. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) January 8, 2015
A2. I am both although I usually am tasked with more literal things to work on (writing, for example). #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) January 8, 2015
@RigginsConst A2: Definitely more detail-oriented, but I try my best to be a bit of both! #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) January 8, 2015
A2. Definitely more detail-oriented. #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) January 8, 2015
A2. Thankfully I'm both a big picture person and a detail-oriented person depending on the situation. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) January 8, 2015
A2. I'm both… I start big picture and then research details to make the big picture happen. #ConstChat
— Ace Industries, Inc. (@AceIndustries) January 8, 2015
@RigginsConst Q2 I am both a big picture person & detail oriented, naturally inclined to dig in but have to constantly pull back #constchat
— Bill Sutton LEED AP (@LEED_Resource) January 8, 2015
How about people who take the big picture, interpret for others and then lead the team on execution? #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) January 8, 2015
Q3. How important is it to make new goals?
A3. It isn't as important to make new goals, but to define what the goals are. It can be the same goal, but just be clear. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) January 8, 2015
A3. Very important to recalibrate the journey and make new goals. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 8, 2015
A3. Very important. New goals in most cases require developing and improving skills. #ConstChat
— Ace Industries, Inc. (@AceIndustries) January 8, 2015
a3: IMO review goals often makes sure you are staying on track; adjust when necessary. #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) January 8, 2015
@RigginsConst A3: VERY important! It refreshes things and gives you new perspective! #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) January 8, 2015
@RigginsConst Goals drive success… They’re critical! #ConstChat
— Bill Sutton LEED AP (@LEED_Resource) January 8, 2015
A3. Very important–if you never have anything to work toward, you won't work as hard. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) January 8, 2015
A3.Goals help focus you – they're vital to reference to ensure your time & ideas are all supporting the outcomes you want. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) January 8, 2015
Q4. Are you accountable for your progress? (What role does accountability have in achievement of said goals?)
This one got the most response!
A4. Yes, absolutely, I am accountable for what I do – or don't do. It is my journey and I need to make it happen (with help). #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) January 8, 2015
A4. Absolutely! I have my 2015 Priority list hanging on my wall by my desk. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) January 8, 2015
A4. Yes, absolutely accountable for my own progress. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 8, 2015
A4. Somewhat. Still hard to show others how SM has impact on sales. 😉 Luckily people see the value of it nonetheless. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) January 8, 2015
@RigginsConst A4: Often times your accountability is directly related to how successful you are at achieving your goal. #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) January 8, 2015
@RigginsConst A4: Try to be every day! But as you all know, social media & a lot of 'online things' are often harder to measure #constchat
— A.H. Harris (@A_H_Harris) January 8, 2015
A4. Sometimes it's a matter of other people staying out of your way so you can achieve your goals. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 8, 2015
@RigginsConst solo here. The motivation level should be super high, right? #ConstChat.
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) January 8, 2015
A4. Absolutely. It’s vital to have personal accountability and milestones to stay on track. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) January 8, 2015
a4: sometimes you spend too much time "beating yourself up" over lack of progress; need to celebrate victories, too #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) January 8, 2015
@RigginsConst Q4 If there’s no accountability, goals aren’t necessary. Share your goals with as many people as possible #constchat
— Bill Sutton LEED AP (@LEED_Resource) January 8, 2015
A4. Sometimes I'm thinking "let me do my job!" Get rid of the roadblocks, politics, etc. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 8, 2015
A4a. Mostly self-accountable. But we do have staff mtgs. every other week to talk about progress. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) January 8, 2015
If you want to geek up on goals, make sure it is measurable and then track it #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) January 8, 2015
A4. Engage companies in conversation about safety, build relationships with #SocMarketing leaders in #Mfg ! #ConstChat
— Ace Industries, Inc. (@AceIndustries) January 8, 2015
Q5. What goals do you have for 2015 for your social marketing?
Whoa Nellly! This one had a lot of response, too. Too many good ones to leave them out.
A5. A big one: to add blogging to the mix. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 8, 2015
#constchat Q5: growing community across all channels, adding value to followers and make great connections like with you all today.
— A.H. Harris (@A_H_Harris) January 8, 2015
A5. A big goal is mobile – mobile advertising, mobile apps, and mobile marketing and the integration w/social media. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) January 8, 2015
A5. To continue to make meaningful connections. Grow our followers. Share our message. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) January 8, 2015
A5 figuring out what works without a lot of wasted time on what doesn't. #ConstChat
— Phil Vanderloo (@hilinebuilders) January 8, 2015
A5. To promote our blog more & get more feedback on what people would like to see us write about. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) January 8, 2015
@RigginsConst A5: Explore more platforms and connect with more potential customers. #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) January 8, 2015
@RigginsConst A5 – Leverage social media presence into real relationships and drive business, awareness and results #ConstChat
— Bill Sutton LEED AP (@LEED_Resource) January 8, 2015
a5: find ways to be more of a "go-to" resource for #AEC firms #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) January 8, 2015
Expand I don't mean get more clients but get the RIGHT client. More value-based content. Repurpose contents. Always optimize. #constchat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) January 8, 2015
A5. There are so many good resolutions here! Increasing traffic, real relationships, driving business… #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 8, 2015
A5b. Nurture existing super fans & friends (you know who you are) 🙂 & develop few more this year. Doesn't have to be thousands. #constchat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) January 8, 2015
A4. Engage companies in conversation about safety, build relationships with #SocMarketing leaders in #Mfg ! #ConstChat
— Ace Industries, Inc. (@AceIndustries) January 8, 2015
What’s your two cents?
Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.
A5: To stop double scheduling my Thursday appointments!
I hear that!