Resolutions – #ConstChat Recap

#ConstChat ResolutionsConstruction Chat  is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time.  If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.

We had a great chat today about resolutions, goals, and how to get there.

Q1. What is the difference between a resolution and a goal?

Q2. Are you a big picture person or a detail-oriented person?

Q3. How important is it to make new goals?

Q4. Are you accountable for your progress? (What role does accountability have in achievement of said goals?)

This one got the most response!

Q5. What goals do you have for 2015 for your social marketing?

Whoa Nellly! This one had a lot of response, too. Too many good ones to leave them out.

What’s your two cents?

Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.


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