Wish List for 2015 – #ConstChat Recap

wishlistConstruction Chat  is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time.  If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.

This is the last chat this year.

Do you remember, as a kid, getting the Sears Christmas Wish Book? It was so much fun to dog-ear the pages and dream of the things you’d like.

Today’s topic is “Wish List.”

Q1. What digital tool is on your wish list?

Q2. What physical tool (machine, equipment) is on your wish list?

Q3. What do you wish your customers knew about your company?

Q4. What book is on your wish list?

Q5. Is there a professional development course you want to take?

Q6. What conference is on your wish list?

Q7. What trip is on your wish list?

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!

Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.


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