Construction Chat is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.
This week’s topic is advising your younger self.
It was chosen by Darren Slaughter / Let’s have a round of applause for his time and expertise!
Premise: You’ve been in business a month, 3 months, 3 years or 30 years. What would the “now you” tell the then you the day you started your business about the following?
I would have told myself to start sooner! #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) September 25, 2014
Just see landscape six months in advance is enough of an advantage. And make sure you listen to your gut…its all in the gut. #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) September 25, 2014
I actually picked THE WORST TIME to start. I started the month after my daughter was born. Thats bad timing! But…stuff happens. #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) September 25, 2014
Below are the questions as asked during the chat and some responses.
Q1: What would you tell you about going out on your own?
A1. I'd tell myself to get help sooner. Because I can't do everything, although I think I can. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 25, 2014
A1. Looking back, I would have told my self, "You're out of your mind." #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) September 25, 2014
True! RT @WindowWorksCA A1. I'd tell myself to get help sooner. Because I can't do everything, although I think I can. #ConstChat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) September 25, 2014
@RigginsConst A1 Sure…Like I said, I would have started sooner. Hired faster right from the get go. #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) September 25, 2014
Q1: Establishing new contracts is critical. Building trust to get your numbers in the bidding process is the hardest part. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) September 25, 2014
@rigginsconst A1 Passion for marketing and applying all that I've learned through years of working side by side with CEOs. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 25, 2014
@RigginsConst I'd tell myself not to be so stubborn. Listen more…
— Shawn Provance (@OCMarketingGuy) September 25, 2014
Q2: What would you tell you about cash flow?
A2: Cash flow will be a problem because of the pay system in commercial construction. Prepare to be paid Net 90 or more. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) September 25, 2014
A2 -10 years in, we know the ebbs and flows throughout the year. they are always the same every year…needed that info years 1-2 #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) September 25, 2014
@RigginsConst Don't freak out!! It's a flow, sometimes there's a lot and sometimes there's not. Just keep moving forward. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) September 25, 2014
A2: Work out adequate payment terms with incentives to pay early. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 25, 2014
A2: Cash flow isn't just any thing. More importantly, it's EVERY thing. #ConstChat
— Eric D. Lussier (@EricDLussier) September 25, 2014
A2: Yes. It was crucial to start out with adequate cash flow for the leaner times. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 25, 2014
A2 RT @SocialSMktg @RigginsConst re Q, no my hubby gifted me with a bit of a cash to start out. I hate to be in debt. #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) September 25, 2014
And there is never enough RT @CircleDotMktg A2: Yes. It was crucial to start out with adequate cash flow for the leaner times. #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) September 25, 2014
Q3: What would you tell you about marketing?
Most response from this question
A3: Be Consistent! #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) September 25, 2014
A3. Can't be everywhere. Pick and choose areas best for your message. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) September 25, 2014
A3: Understand who you are, your focus, your target, your competition. Do a mktg plan. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 25, 2014
A3. Know who your customers are and where they hang out. Basic but often overlooked. #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) September 25, 2014
A3: Marketing is up close and personal in starting a business. We are back to that trust issue. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) September 25, 2014
A3 – I would have advertised faster…offline. We blogged like hell! #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) September 25, 2014
A3: Cultivate relationships and build your email list. 80/20 rule #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) September 25, 2014
A3: Be creative, be intriguing #ConstChat
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) September 25, 2014
@JurinRoofing @RigginsConst Person to person is key. Integration is also important. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) September 25, 2014
A3. It takes time to see results. 🙂 #ConstChat
— (@lockers4school) September 25, 2014
A3: Be strategic, yet tactical. It is all about the end result. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 25, 2014
A3: #Marketing? It's not what it was. It is changing daily. Inbound is currently king. Tomorrow? Hmmmm. #ConstChat
— Eric D. Lussier (@EricDLussier) September 25, 2014
A3. Spend more time making a marketing plan up front. Then execute that plan. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 25, 2014
A3B. Marketing especially internet marketing evolves. #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) September 25, 2014
A3: I would say balance the print ads and do more social!! Like this chat! #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) September 25, 2014
Q4: What would you tell you about hiring people?
A4: Gut is important but so is checking references. Including friends and friends of friends who need a job 😉 #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) September 25, 2014
A4. Take time to hire people you trust. And then get out of their way so they can do their jobs! #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 25, 2014
Q4. I hire people who can fill up gaps. #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) September 25, 2014
A4 – I would tell my younger self to not trust as easily. Unfortuntely, they can't all be honest :/ #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) September 25, 2014
A4: Start slow and make sure they are people you can trust and that can work on their own. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) September 25, 2014
A4. Let go of some control. Empower others to take on more responsibility. #ConstChat
— GenErgy Power USA (@GenErgyPower) September 25, 2014
Q5: What would THE YOUNGER you tell THE NOW you about selling?
A5. In order to make sales, you have to have sales conversations. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 25, 2014
A5: Be good at it. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) September 25, 2014
A5: Step outside the comfort zone. Work relationships. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) September 25, 2014
A5. Go to Toastmasters and learn how to speak in public – well. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) September 25, 2014
A5. I would tell the YOUNGER me: Be confident. Be proud of your job & work harder for it! #constchat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) September 25, 2014
A5: Most people don't REALLY buy 'Products" and "Services". They buy You and your Results. #ConstChat
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) September 25, 2014
A5. Be louder and prouder of myself (that's my coach speaking!). #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 25, 2014
Q6: What would you tell you about accounting?
A6 Keep excellent records. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) September 25, 2014
A6. Hire someone but understand the general principles. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) September 25, 2014
A6. Hire someone else to do accounting. But understand it enough to hire it out. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 25, 2014
A6 – Hire an accountant that understands construction. Not all do. #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) September 25, 2014
A6: Take a refresher course Have meetings often with your actg person(s). Understand the numbers backwards & forwards. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 25, 2014
A6: this was where I was smart. My business partner controls all operations & has since we began. I didn't have to worry. #ConstChat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) September 25, 2014
Q7: What would you tell you about getting paid?
A7: You need to follow up, follow up, follow up. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 25, 2014
A7: Be prepared to skip paychecks so your employees get paid. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) September 25, 2014
@RigginsConst A7b – People courteous and paying acknowledgement to those in charge of accounts payable is so key. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 25, 2014
A7: Keep calling! No email. If they haven't paid, make sure to call and say hi everyday. They'll send a check so you don't call #ConstChat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) September 25, 2014
Q8: What would you do differently? Would you do it again?
A8 I would do it again. I would enjoy the journey more (am doing now) and learn from everything. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 25, 2014
A8. Take more chances and yes! #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) September 25, 2014
A8. Spend more time celebrating the successes, and all those "little moments" that are bigger later. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) September 25, 2014
A8: Start slower and grow slower. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) September 25, 2014
A8 Enjoy the smaller successes as much as the big wins. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 25, 2014
@RigginsConst I would definitely speak up more in meetings to challenge the 'we've always done it this way' perspective. #ConstChat
— Danielle Gray (@DanielleG_MKTG) September 25, 2014
Q9. What’s the biggest benefit of having your own business?
A9 It is an uncharted course, full of creativity & options. It is a most tremendous challenge & journey. #constchat
— Sharon Gee Simms (@CircleDotMktg) September 25, 2014
A9. Watch what you've created grow bigger & bigger #constchat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) September 25, 2014
@RigginsConst Success of the business is in my hands! #ConstChat
— Sharpe Printers (@SharpePrinters) September 25, 2014
A9b. Take pride in what you can do to help others with what they do best #ConstChat
— rubyrusine (@SocialSMktg) September 25, 2014
A9: Having control of your own destiny. The feeling of pride seeing your team work and what that can build. #ConstChat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) September 25, 2014
Bonus Tweets:
Love this chat! Thanks @RigginsConst and @DarrenSlaughtr!! #ConstChat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) September 25, 2014
Although I'm catching it at the end, I enjoyed hearing the different perspectives! #ConstChat
— Danielle Gray (@DanielleG_MKTG) September 25, 2014
Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.
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