Construction Chat is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.
Blogging for Contractors
Today’s chat topic and questions are from Tess Wittler, a regular chat participant, and blogging for contractors expert. Check out her 52 Ideas post.
But first, some of her tips.
- Construction is so visual – photo blogs or vlogs with bullet points.
- I started using a few weeks ago and love it! CoSchedule has analytics, “drip” posting, and a content calendar all built into it, and is also a WordPress plugin if you want it. CoSchedule – you need to pay for it, BUT totally is worth the cost, IMO.
- I use Trello to gather my blogging ideas. Trello connects with Google Docs (as does CoSchedule) so you always have one place to gather, write and post your blogs. Link to Trello .
- Smart approach is to post a blog article and then “drip” it out to the social media over days.
- This may be “old school” but I use Feedly to gather online pubs/blogs to browse.
- Most people are VISUAL learners.
- Learning preference of visual is why YouTube and photos on Facebook are so effective!
- Re ROI – you can’t always measure tangilble in marketing efforts, but you know what’s working.
- Sometimes we get so focused on sharing WORDS that we forget there are other ways to share content that’s interesting and helpful.
- Can any of you line up a few “guest” blog writers? Perhaps suppliers or others in the company?
Q1. Where do you find topics to write about?
A1. Topics may appear from anywhere. Frequently Asked Questions are good for blogging. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 13, 2015
@RigginsConst A1: I play off of what I see that's currently popular. #ConstChat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) August 13, 2015
A1 industry news, client questions, trending topics in technology #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) August 13, 2015
A1. Lots of places. Tech & Customer Service departs. are favs. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 13, 2015
A1. Company events, product highlights, FAQs, completed projects. I like to relate our products to certain times of year, too. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) August 13, 2015
A1. I write about projects featuring our products, contests we run, and dealer/customer stories #constchat
— Feeney, Inc. (@FeeneyInc) August 13, 2015
A1a. Yes, industry trade magazines. Sometimes walking through a building will bring up a question. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 13, 2015
A1 Blogs, books, TV, experiments, stuff I forgot to mention at meetings (or that I kept to myself) and also Q & A sites #constchat
— Peter Woolvett (@CustomerSpecs) August 13, 2015
Funny thing, I could be at home and look at something in my house and use a popped nail or something outside and want to blog it #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) August 13, 2015
A1a. YES! we have a steel fabricator newsletter and I rely on trade newsletters and sites to get interesting info for those folks #constchat
— Feeney, Inc. (@FeeneyInc) August 13, 2015
A1a. FAQs are a great source for content. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) August 13, 2015
A1a lots of industry pubs but also good toppics come from non-construction specific pubs #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) August 13, 2015
The way I think about it is that I'm not the only one thinking about this,why not see if I can connect to others in the same boat #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) August 13, 2015
A1 Google News, AGC Smart Brief, social media feeds, and talking to people #ConstChat
— NolanAuburn (@NolanStrom) August 13, 2015
A1) We choose topics our customers and partners will be interested in. We want to provide answers & solutions to our audience. #ConstChat
— CapitalTristate (@CapitalTristate) August 13, 2015
Q2. How often do you post a new article to your blog?
A2. Once a week, except when experiencing technical difficulty, like this week. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 13, 2015
A2. Right now, we blog every other week. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 13, 2015
A2. we blog sporadically. blogging is just one of many hats I wear: social, email, website, video #allthethings #constchat
— Feeney, Inc. (@FeeneyInc) August 13, 2015
A2. Yikes. I'm not consistent enough…usually once a month. I know it needs to be more often…my biggest challenge is TIME. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) August 13, 2015
@RigginsConst A2: 1 blog a week, usually. #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) August 13, 2015
A2 at least 3 times a week, occasionally I'll do four #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) August 13, 2015
A2) Spoiler Alert: Our blog will be launching soon, so as soon as it does there will be a TON of great content on there! #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) August 13, 2015
A2. Let's call it weekly, shall we? 😉 #constchat
— Peter Woolvett (@CustomerSpecs) August 13, 2015
The great thing about blogging too is what when you have quality content, ppl will keep coming back, because they appreciate it #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) August 13, 2015
#ConstChat We blogged once per week last year, but got out of the habit. Habit is you post consistently!
— Granite Division (@GraniteDiv) August 13, 2015
Q3. What’s your biggest hang-up to blogging?
A3. Time is probably the biggest constraint to blogging. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 13, 2015
a3: my hang up is definitely time. #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 13, 2015
A3. Time and gathering information from others. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 13, 2015
A3. Definitely finding the time for it. Sometimes following through with an idea I have can be a challenge, too. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) August 13, 2015
A3 I get writers block sometimes! #ConstChat
— NolanAuburn (@NolanStrom) August 13, 2015
A3: How to be informative, amusing, and memorable at the same time. It's a real balaning act sometimes. #constchat
— Floors To Your Home (@FTYHFlooring) August 13, 2015
A3 – Blogging can become a form of procratination, if you get over the inertia #constchat
— Peter Woolvett (@CustomerSpecs) August 13, 2015
A3 trying to present stuff in a fresh, engaging and relevant way #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) August 13, 2015
Q4. What kind of Return on Investment (ROI) do you see from blogging?
a4: For me, blogging = industry credibility #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 13, 2015
A4 establishment as thought leader in industry and has also led to some sales #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) August 13, 2015
A4: Engagement and word of mouth brand growth. As a local business, blogging to promote and foster growth is a constant process. #constchat
— Floors To Your Home (@FTYHFlooring) August 13, 2015
A4 Blogging forces me to research an issue and think it through. Becoming informed is my ROI. #ConstChat
— NolanAuburn (@NolanStrom) August 13, 2015
We just migrated our blog to WordPress from Blog Engine. Hoping it helps. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 13, 2015
Q5. Have you tried using other content in your blog, such as videos, info-graphics, audio? If so, what?
A5. We've used infographics a little bit. I have plans to use video for sure. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) August 13, 2015
A5: I've done video on a limited basis. I am a writer at heart #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 13, 2015
A5. Not yet. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 13, 2015
A5 we've done quizzes, infographics and used Riddle for a slideshow type presentation #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) August 13, 2015
A5. we use photos and video. I've created infographics for social, really should collect them in a blog post! thanks 4 the idea! #constchat
— Feeney, Inc. (@FeeneyInc) August 13, 2015
A5: The more variety, the better. Our blog and learning center have videos, graphics, GIFs, and more. #constchat
— Floors To Your Home (@FTYHFlooring) August 13, 2015
A5. Plan on using infographics soon. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 13, 2015
I actually have created infographics and content so that way when our blog launches, we will have a good amount already done #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) August 13, 2015
A 5 I'm working on a blog for my job and it was suggested to load a short video into it! #ConstChat
— NolanAuburn (@NolanStrom) August 13, 2015
Q6. How important will blogging be for your company in the next year and why?
A6. Probably more important. Mainly because I know I need to make it more of a priority. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) August 13, 2015
A6: Blogging is incredibly important in my business. #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 13, 2015
A6. More important in the next 12 months. We're just starting out. We are growing and need visibility. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 13, 2015
A6: I'll be using it more in the next 12 months to build contractor-focused programs. #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) August 13, 2015
A6. More. As more customers become aware of the blog it will grow. Good content makes the reader return. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 13, 2015
A6 same or more, 1. want to continue providing valuable content and 2. content marketing is the future #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) August 13, 2015
A6. blogging continues to be an important part of our marketing, content is the cornerstone of social! #constchat
— Feeney, Inc. (@FeeneyInc) August 13, 2015
Very. It will be a great way for us to connect to a variety of audiences (Both B2B and B2C) in a in depth way we haven't done b4 #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) August 13, 2015
It will also increase the amount of time that people are on the site for as well (BONUS!) #constchat
— Fabuwood Cabinetry (@Fabuwood) August 13, 2015
#ConstChat Consider finding someone in town to do your blog whom has experience working in media as a writer
— Granite Division (@GraniteDiv) August 13, 2015
Q7. When it comes to blogging, what do you want to know more about?
A7. Want to know more about the analytics. Usually I just write. The technical side is important, too. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) August 13, 2015
A7. Hmm…is there a day that's better to publish on to get more views? Also, how do people churn out posts so consistently? #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) August 13, 2015
A7. how do you find a good 3rd party firm to do blog writing when your plate is full? #constchat
— Feeney, Inc. (@FeeneyInc) August 13, 2015
A7 always looking for ways to expand our reach, increase subscriptions #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) August 13, 2015
A7. Analytics, best publish times, best way to break down a subject into more posts if warranted, establish more readers… #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) August 13, 2015
A7 I want to know more about what is driving innovation, technology, and sustainability in construction and in general. #ConstChat
— NolanAuburn (@NolanStrom) August 13, 2015