Construction Chat is a new chat hosted by us on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. We’d love you to join if you’re free next week.
(I put a reminder in my calendar. Otherwise, even I would forget.)
This week’s topic:
Today we discussed social media branding.
Below are the questions, as asked, and some highlighted answers. Some weeks there are so many great answers, it’s hard not to include them. We apologize for the length in advance. The purpose of the recap is to give you, our reader, some insight.
The questions came from Kevin at Hard Hat Hub. Thanks for co-hosting, Kevin.
Q1. How many social media feeds does your company use?
A1. We use Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. But are most active on Twitter. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
A1. Right now, we are using 3. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. #ConstChat
— Hard Hat Hub (@hardhathub) June 5, 2014
A1. We currently have 6. Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, G+, YouTube, and Instagram. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) June 5, 2014
A1.Twitter is top outlet although not all customers use this. Still need to determine where each cust. hangs out. #ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) June 5, 2014
A1a. And Twitter is becoming more image-centric, so good for construction. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
A1 We run with 1 feed on each of Twitter, FB, Google+ and then just Linkedin #constchat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) June 5, 2014
Q2. Is there a Social Media Manager at your company to handle all the feeds?
A2. Social Media Manager? That would be me. 😀 #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
A2. Yes, me! Best job ever! #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) June 5, 2014
Q2. Been meaning to write a book "How I Tweeted Myself to Success." LOL. #ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) June 5, 2014
A2 I'd be the social media manager, I guess since I'm the only one that posts on the feeds #constchat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) June 5, 2014
Q2b. Is the Social Media performed in-house or outsourced?
A2b. Outsourced, although I'm close enough to go into the office. 😀 #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
A2b. In-house here. If I wasn't in the office I would never hear half of what is happening 🙂 #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) June 5, 2014
Q3. Who creates the messaging sent out over these feeds?
A3. I create the messaging for the feeds, with input from the owner. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
A3 I'm responsible for creating what is posted- I try not to duplicate it over all feeds, but sometimes there is an overlap. #constchat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) June 5, 2014
A3. I do with input from the Hager family, our VP's and of course my boss. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) June 5, 2014
A3. Coming up with messages is a team effort. But, Social Media mgr still needs to drive the content ship. #ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) June 5, 2014
Q4. Is your company’s messaging, communications, and logo/colors consistent across all platforms?
A4. We keep a casual voice, and always use the same logo. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
A4 I try to keep my avy consistent with all feeds. Sometimes the pict is different. Try to be real person that isn't selling #constchat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) June 5, 2014
A4. Yes we try and keep it consistent. Same message different packaging at times. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) June 5, 2014
A4a. Yes, and tweetchats are a good way of not selling, but being a real person. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
Q5. Do you spend $ to promote your social media posts? (advertising)
A5. Not so far on this channel. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
A5. Not yet. Though I did see a competitor sponsor a promoted tweet re: an upcoming trade show. 1st time. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) June 5, 2014
A5 The only time I paid was to boost a FB post for a job posting…didn't work out so well. Rest is organic #constchat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) June 5, 2014
A5. Not yet. Still building critical mass B4 spending $$ on promotion. Also, skeptical spending $ on Facebook. #ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) June 5, 2014
Q6. Do you think Social Media is an efficient way to reach professionals in our industry?
A6. Yes, social media is a great way to reach pro's in the industry. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
A6. I think the #AEC community is growing on social media & chats like this help tremendously. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) June 5, 2014
A6 I think it is a great way to reach all sorts of clients. Each medium reaches different types. #constchat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) June 5, 2014
A6. Tweetchats are a great way to build a high quality audience. Like networking online. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
A6. Twitter is certainly a great way to meet other social media pro's in my industry. :o) #ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) June 5, 2014
Q6b. Anyone see a trend? Homeowners on FB/Pinterest, architects/GC on Twitter/LinkedIn?
Designers seem to be on Pinterest. Architects I find more on Twitter & Instagram @splintergirl #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) June 5, 2014
.@Splintergirl A6a. Millenial moms on Pinterest. Architects on G+/LinkedIn, everyone on FB/Twitter. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
Q7. Do you have a posting schedule or strong opinion?
A7. Construction people are on earlier in the day. Before 2 pm is best. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
A7 By schedule, I mean on my personal to do list/calendar. I don't want to schedule prewritten stuff. #constchat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) June 5, 2014
A7 Hi all! New to #constchat, just kinda listening right now lol. Yes I schedule a couple daily tweets ahead of time but jump in as needed.
— CMAA Southern CA (@CMAASC) June 5, 2014
A7. Data suggests times when posts are most read. For us this is generally early afternoon & just after work.#ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) June 5, 2014
10:30 pm seems to be a popular time. @LiftecForklifts people read b4 work, lunch, and after work in their own time zone. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) June 5, 2014
Q8. Do any of you blog?
A8. Our blog should be going live in a few weeks. I have a personal one (though it has been a while) also. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) June 5, 2014
A8. I'm a blogging FOOL. And try to convince everybody I know to blog. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) June 5, 2014
A8 We have a blog that my two partners write for. Honestly, I don't feel it is updated enough. But, neither is my pers one. #constchat
— Amy Good (@Splintergirl) June 5, 2014
Q8 I agree @hagerco. I make sure we are on top of any events, holidays etc over calendar. You have to stay relevant & useful #constchat
— CMAA Southern CA (@CMAASC) June 5, 2014
Bonus Tweet:
Overjoyed that Laurie March from HGTV’s The House Counselor was watching the chat and chimed in. It’s nice to know that other construction nerds are joining the chat every week. What a great community!
“@RigginsConst: We're waving back! @Laurie_March #ConstChat” enjoying watching your chat 🙂
Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.
Some stats from TweetBinder:
See more of our Construction Chat posts here.