Construction Chat Questions 7/10/14: Facebook for Contractors

Facebook for Contractors #ConstChat topic 7/10/14Are you in construction? Do you want to build up your following? Are you looking to connect with the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) community?

You’re in luck!

Joining our weekly Twitter Chat may just be the right thing for you.

Construction Chat is was started May 8, 2014, and is hosted by us on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time.

Check us out on Tagboard!

How to Join a Chat:

1. Follow the hashtag on Twitter (but don’t forget to add #ConstChat manually after your tweet or we won’t see your tweet).

2. Use Hootsuite or TweetDeck and make a column for #ConstChat (but don’t forget to put #ConstChat manually after your tweet).

3. Go to the Twubs page for #ConstChat.

4. My preferred method is using TweetChat. Just go here and log in with your Twitter account. You can even highlight the moderator so you don’t miss questions.

This week’s topic:

This week’s topic is Facebook for Contractors.

Q1: Do you have a Facebook Page?

Q2: What prompted you to start the Page?

Q3: What is your strategy for posting?

Q4: How often do you post?

Q5: Do you like other pages (participate in #FBLT – Facebook Liking Tuesdays)?

Q6: What are some of your challenges with Facebook?

Do you have a burning question you’d like answered? Feel free to add it in the comments.

See you at the chat!

See more of our Construction Chat posts here.

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