Construction Chat was started May 8, 2014, to build community among the construction-inclined.
This weekly chat is hosted by Riggins Construction Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. We’d love you to join us, if you’re free next week.
(I put a reminder in my calendar. Otherwise, even I would forget.)
This week’s topic:
[Gets on soap box.]
There’s a lot of hype right now that Facebook is too hard or Facebook forces people to pay for advertising.
Nonsense. Let’s compare 13% reach on Facebook with Twitter for a moment.
Scott Stratten of UnMarketing goes by the 10/10/10 rule. He describes this in his post, “When We Exaggerate Our Size, Everyone Loses:”
From my non-scientific research (which entails me looking at the screen and rubbing my beard in a professor-style way) and through sending over 85,000 tweets over 4 years and seeing the click-throughs, video and picture views of most of those and other accounts, this is more accurate: 10/10/10 rule.
10% of your follower count is online at any given time
10% of those will have a chance to see your tweet
10% will actually view it/click something
So for me, 1,200 people will see any given tweet of mine that is not a reply. Scientific? No. But I’m sure as shinola it beats “Impression” and “Reach” as a more accurate measure.
For an audience of 14,000 followers that breaks down to 1,400 are online, 140 may see a tweet, 14 may view/click/reply. 14/14000 = 0.1%.
Not one percent.
Zero point one percent.
That’s 0.001.
Though Facebook may “only” be giving Pages 13% reach, that’s still a lot bigger than 1/10 of one percent. We can agree on this, right?
With that said, I think Facebook is still too large of an audience to ignore. With that, let's get into the questions. #ConstChat
— Riggins Construction (@RigginsConst) July 10, 2014
Below are the questions, as asked, and some highlighted answers. Some weeks there are so many great answers, it’s hard not to include them. I apologize for the length in advance. The purpose of the recap is to give you, the reader, some insight.
Q1: Do you have a Facebook Page?
A1.) Yes, please visit and LIKE our Facebook Page! #ConstChat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) July 10, 2014
A1. Yes. I actually manage several. #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) July 10, 2014
A1. We do not. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) July 10, 2014
A1: Yes I do (and I manage a few for my clients, too). #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) July 10, 2014
A1. We do – we <3 Facebook. We have a division page plus community pages. #ConstChat
— Lennar Charlotte (@LennarCharNC) July 10, 2014
A1 Yes! #ConstChat
— FastenMaster (@FastenMaster) July 10, 2014
@RigginsConst A1: Yes, but it's less active for us than twitter. Weird, huh? #ConstChat
— File My Prelim (@FileMyPrelim) July 10, 2014 #ConstChat
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) July 10, 2014
Q2: What prompted you to start the Page?
A2.) social media was popular, we thought it was a good idea to create a page to inform others about our company! #ConstChat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) July 10, 2014
A2: Starting a conversation with our pro customers. #ConstChat
— FastenMaster (@FastenMaster) July 10, 2014
A2. I think that is important aspect of any marketing plan. #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) July 10, 2014
A2: Pretty much everyone we know has a FB. We thought it was the easiest way to spread the word about our products. #constchat
— Roll A Bucket (@ZorrCorp) July 10, 2014
A2. Having a FB page makes a lot of consumers feel like you are a more legit biz #ConstChat
— CITC of WA (@CITC_WA) July 10, 2014
Here’s the thing about Facebook: lots of people READ posts but never click like or comment. Remember, lurkers are readers. There is an audience that isn’t entirely measurable. The downside is that Facebook shows you more of what you interact with.
.@RigginsConst The non-likes & no comments are working SO against us w/ FB algorithm #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) July 10, 2014
Q3: What is your strategy for posting?
A3.) We try our best to engage our audience as much as possible. #ConstChat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) July 10, 2014
A3. We try and educate with the latest news but seriously lack engagement #ConstChat
— CITC of WA (@CITC_WA) July 10, 2014
A3 Our audience on FB are homeowners/buyers. Ppl love kitchens & baths & enjoy sharing their opinions! #ConstChat
— Lennar Charlotte (@LennarCharNC) July 10, 2014
A3: I try to find relative content to both of our audiences: professional painters and homeowners. #ConstChat
— Roll A Bucket (@ZorrCorp) July 10, 2014
A3. I try to post useful info, evocative photos & things that make people laugh #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) July 10, 2014
A3 On FB I won't make a post without a picture attached. We like to shout out businesses we work with and share moving content. #constchat
— House To Home Moving (@MovingEasy) July 10, 2014
Q4: How often do you post?
A4: Daily!! #ConstChat
— Lennar Charlotte (@LennarCharNC) July 10, 2014
A4: on FB at least once per day, twitter maybe 30-50 tweets, a lot of which are engaging with folks 1 on 1. #constchat
— House To Home Moving (@MovingEasy) July 10, 2014
A4: But also try to share others content once a day … but not always successful #constchat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) July 10, 2014
A4. 5 times a week, 1 post per day. I want to keep interest w/out being annoying #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) July 10, 2014
A4: Weekly for now… #ConstChat
— File My Prelim (@FileMyPrelim) July 10, 2014
A4.) We post once a day, but sometimes we would post twice a day if we have more content that needs to be posted. #ConstChat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) July 10, 2014
Q4b. Do you schedule or use 3rd party apps to post?
A4b. Never, I really dislike automation. The best part in my opinion is the human interaction and building relationships. #constchat
— House To Home Moving (@MovingEasy) July 10, 2014
Q4: See A3, Q4b: Yes, we schedule and post with @hootsuite and their mobile platform. #ConstChat
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) July 10, 2014
Q5: Do you like other pages (or participate in #FBLT – like sharing events)?
A5: Yes to other pages. I try to support many other business. #ConstChat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) July 10, 2014
A5: Definitely we like all pages of whom we do business with, apartments, storages, etc. Shout em out and thank them as well. #constchat
— House To Home Moving (@MovingEasy) July 10, 2014
A5: I try to like our trades pages; we don't take advantage of the partnerships on FB that often. I would like to improve on it. #ConstChat
— Lennar Charlotte (@LennarCharNC) July 10, 2014
A5: Yes to liking others. Contractors or lumberyards. #ConstChat
— FastenMaster (@FastenMaster) July 10, 2014
A5. We do like architects, customers, end users pages. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) July 10, 2014
A5. Definitely! I believe the more you give (i.e. likes, comments, FBLT) the more you get! #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) July 10, 2014
A5: I don't know the algorithm but I figure liking and sharing content has got to increase your edgerank on FB #constchat
— House To Home Moving (@MovingEasy) July 10, 2014
Q6: What are some of your challenges with Facebook?
Q6: #challenges? Because #water for #residential #commercial #municipal #marine differs, #FB visitors might get confused about us #ConstChat
— Bio-Microbics, Inc. (@BioMicrobics) July 10, 2014
A6.) We don’t reach as many people compared to before. Also getting comments on Facebook page is always harder! #ConstChat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) July 10, 2014
A6. Declining reach, lack of engagement & always trying to think of new ways to keep audience excited. #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) July 10, 2014
A6: If you publish good content, you still get decent engagement. It's when you sound like a broken record, you don't do so hot. #ConstChat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) July 10, 2014
A6: Organic reach on FB gets harder almost on the daily #constchat
— House To Home Moving (@MovingEasy) July 10, 2014
A6: You never know how many people will see your post unless you sponser your post. #constchat
— Roll A Bucket (@ZorrCorp) July 10, 2014
Q7. How many of you are B2B? Retail?
A7. LOL! Both. But individuals as a brand #ConstChat
— tracy (@tracycopy) July 10, 2014
A7: We are both. #ConstChat
— Roll A Bucket (@ZorrCorp) July 10, 2014
A7: 95% B2B, but that's because of strong 1-on-1 connections… not corporate contracts. #WordOfMouth #ConstChat
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) July 10, 2014
@RigginsConst Both #ConstChat
— Chandler's Roofing (@ChandlersRoof) July 10, 2014
Q7: #B2B vs #B2C? @HagerCo B2B #manufacturers. However, our B2C are #Homeowners w/ #septic (#wastewater) systems need info. #ConstChat
— Bio-Microbics, Inc. (@BioMicrobics) July 10, 2014
Bonus Tweets:
Good Morning everyone our first time here but always love a good discussion about social media #constchat
— House To Home Moving (@MovingEasy) July 10, 2014
Strongly believe that marketing is going heavily towards social, and it's better to get established sooner rather then later. #constchat
— House To Home Moving (@MovingEasy) July 10, 2014
Our first TweetChat. Thank you @RigginsConst Have great day everyone! #constchat
— FastenMaster (@FastenMaster) July 10, 2014
Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.
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- Check out this week’s stats from TweetBinder which include contributor rankings.
- See more of our Construction Chat posts here.