Featured Tweeter @AventeTile

Everyone starts somewhere in Social Media.  Tips and tricks we’ve all learned along the way can be especially helpful to those still navigating uncharted waters.

This interview series features twitter accounts in and around the construction industry, a growing population within the Twittersphere.  My only disclaimer is that I do not always agree with the advice.


Twitter Name:@AventeTile
Twitter Bio: Hand painted artisan decorative tiles and hand crafted cement tiles. Tweeting as Bill Buyok.
Company Name: Avente Tile
City/State: Beveerly Hills, CA
Main Website: www.aventetile.com
Blog:  www.aventetiletalk.com
Facebook Page:  facebook.com/aventetile
Admin Name:  Bill Buyok
LinkedIN Profile:  linkedin.com/in/aventetile
Klout Score: 46
Followers: 1,531
Following:Follower Ratio: 0.87


1. When did you start your twitter account?

October 6, 2009

2. What was your biggest obstacle in twitter?

Initially, understanding how to use Twitter and its value was my biggest obstacle.

3. How often do you tweet? Do you have a schedule?

I try to tweet daily for about 30 minutes each morning. I recommend you schedule time for yourself to tweet each day and follow that schedule. Otherwise, you will avoid it because you don’t want to use it; or become immersed and find yourself spending hours on Twitter and neglecting other priorities.

4. What is your recommendation to new people on twitter?

Start with this guide from the Simple Marketing Blog: A Simple Twitter Primer: Tips and Guide. It tells you everything you need to know to get started. Try Twitter for six months. Social Media tools provide different results for different people because of how we use the tool. And, like learning to use any new trade or tool, it does take some time.

5. What is your favorite hashtag and why.

#Tile It’s what I love and what Avente Tile sells!

6. Did you have a twitter mentor? How did that come about?

No. I did not have a twitter mentor per se. But, after attending a tweet-up at a tile tradeshow, I had all the support and guidance I needed from some amazing people. All of whom, I still keep in touch with almost every day!

7. Can you recommend a twitter account that we should be following?

For social media marketing guidance: @CBWhittemore
For blogging, residential design and social media: @Paul_Anater
For residential construction and social media: @TALV58
For health and fitness: @Alexandrafunfit

Additional Comments:

I have found Twitter to be a great way to network with folks in my industry and related industries. It is also a great way to broadcast your business news and blog updates. It does take time to learn and maintain – but so does any valuable and meaningful relationship.

More Featured Tweeters

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