If you’ve ever got the fly-on-the-wall view of a busy restaurant kitchen you may be overwhelmed by the noise and movement. You may gain an appreciation for the amount of coordination it takes to prepare a deceptively simple meal.
Were this busy kitchen filmed in slow motion it would be a glorious ballet. Can you imagine two chefs in the same kitchen?

Sometimes we perform jobs on behalf of an owner to fulfill his part of the lease requirements. This is the case with our newly completed project. We worked alongside and in concert with the tenant’s general contractor.
On the south side of the building we built a CMU trash enclosure and washout station adorned with a matching wood shake roof, metal gutter, and downspout. We installed a fire sprinkler in this enclosure for fire protection.
We also coordinated with the City of Newport Beach to install a new water main. A reduced-pressure backflow valve was installed, also required by the City.
Additionally, Riggins was contracted to make the necessary ADA/handicap parking and path-of-travel site improvements which included raising the sidewalk to the interior slab level, adding a curb and truncated domes, and an ADA-compliant parking stall and appropriate signage.
Along with these site improvements, we made repairs to the back decking and balustrades. The siding received new paint and the old, red brick was painted white to give it an updated, fresh look.
We at Riggins Construction & Management, Inc. take pride in all of our jobs, big or small. We are pleased to help our client ready this suite for the tenant and their specific needs.