Construction Chat is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.
This week’s topic was qualifying leads.
Q1. Do you keep track of how you get leads?
@RigginsConst We have sources in our database system that we can pull a report to see how a marketing effort has done #constchat
— Hope N Parker (@hope_parker) October 23, 2014
A1. We do! So we can see how it has done #constchat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) October 23, 2014
A1. Somewhat?? If the lead is from a trade show yes, otherwise probably not. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) October 23, 2014
A1.Yes. You have to cultivate relationships & the source of that lead can help determine the best way to accomplish that. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) October 23, 2014
Same – RT @RigginsConst "A1. Our software has a source field. There's no "report" though for $ by lead. 🙁 #constchat"
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) October 23, 2014
sorry for stepping on your foot @RigginsConst got excited about this #constchat A1. our leads are in our head, so no
— Element (@element2s) October 23, 2014
A1: Our CRM software tracks where leads come from. We update the customer database with notes and stats. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) October 23, 2014
Q2. What’s your best source of leads?
@RigginsConst A2 Invoice marketing brochures/ referrals/ neighbor referrals #constchat
— Hope N Parker (@hope_parker) October 23, 2014
A2. A lot of word of mouth. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) October 23, 2014
A2: Web leads are our first. Then local magazines and social media. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) October 23, 2014
A2. Trade shows for us. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) October 23, 2014
A2. For us repeat clients and architect/engineer partners, even subcontractors #constchat
— Element (@element2s) October 23, 2014
A2. For sure! Having testimonials from customers is the best #constchat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) October 23, 2014
Q3. Do you ask questions when someone calls?
A3. Yes. I always ask pertinent questions to allow the person I am calling to see that I have shown them and their time respect. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) October 23, 2014
@RigginsConst A3 we have a "pre-est" form that has all needed info for the lead and front desk is kept up to date on marketing #constchat
— Hope N Parker (@hope_parker) October 23, 2014
A3. I qualify people and companies the same way you qualify a project. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) October 23, 2014
A3: Our web forms do a lot the question asking. If someone calls, our answering service asks a few questions before transferring. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) October 23, 2014
Q4. Are there any deal-breaker answers?
A4. I use a Go/No-Go process that filters questions and rates the opportunity #constchat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) October 23, 2014
A4. For us, as a hardware manufacturer, it will depend on the specifications of the project. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) October 23, 2014
A4. When your philosophies don't have the flexibility to ever meet on a middle ground. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) October 23, 2014
A4. One of the hardest lessons I learned is to walk away frm a deal. Never compromise yrslf or overestimate your capabilities. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) October 23, 2014
@RigginsConst When going through quest on phone most times can tell they are "shopping" not serious about the work #constchat
— Hope N Parker (@hope_parker) October 23, 2014
A4. deals with project, owner, contract type, location, etc. t make sure it's the right fit #constchat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) October 23, 2014
@RigginsConst Our "red" flag is when they won't give us locations of trees or details and want just a price to do job. #constchat
— Hope N Parker (@hope_parker) October 23, 2014
A4: Mostly, price. We don't offer financing options for pools like others in our region. We offer packages for all price levels. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) October 23, 2014
A4. Sometimes you need to say no. Success is right project, right client, right team. if they don't align just say no #constchat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) October 23, 2014
A4: You need to share the vision to jointly achieve the goal. Up front #Communication is a great thing. #ConstChat
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) October 23, 2014
Q5. Have you setup a referral system for those leads outside of your scope?
@RigginsConst A5 We use a referral service and also our accrediation organization offers "arborist" look up #constchat
— Hope N Parker (@hope_parker) October 23, 2014
A5. Refer out-of-scope to someone you can trust and is willing to do the same to you. #constchat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) October 23, 2014
Same for us, reps' dif areas around the country @HagerCo A5. Our distributors and sales reps do for their specific areas. #constchat
— US SPEC (@usspecproducts) October 23, 2014
Q6. I was actually thinking of making a form for us to use internally. Anyone do that?
@RigginsConst A6 We have a form with fill in blanks or circle items so nothing is missed #constchat
— Hope N Parker (@hope_parker) October 23, 2014
Q7. Does anyone use a lead service that pre-qualifies leads (h/t @isqft) ?
@RigginsConst A7 We use "home advisor" / Service magic #constchat
— Hope N Parker (@hope_parker) October 23, 2014
Q7. I used one because I knew what was going on and who was involved. Sorry guys, I had to ask! #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) October 23, 2014
A7. I've used them too. Some are good and some not. I use them more for keeping a finger on the pulse. #constchat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) October 23, 2014
Q8. For referrals that don’t work out, do you contact them at a later date to try again? h/t @infinitypoolstx
A8. Starting to track those in a spreadsheet. #Followup #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) October 23, 2014
A8. Should follow up more with leads that don't work out. Sometimes it just the timing. #constchat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) October 23, 2014
A8: We contact older referrals in the winter or a year later. It helps in slow times and sometimes they're ready to buy. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) October 23, 2014
A8. Really think there's gold in that thar follow-up. People are busy and no one calls that often. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) October 23, 2014
A8: We use a spreadsheet to keep track of all leads – keeps things organized for future reference #constchat
— US SPEC (@usspecproducts) October 23, 2014
A8. I absolutely followed up with leads. I kept track in a spreadsheet. It helped keep those relationships alive. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) October 23, 2014
@RigginsConst Yes! Sometimes families don't think of a pool in the winter. Then summer comes and they kick themselves. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) October 23, 2014
@RigginsConst sales staff do follow up calls on any not approved estimates they did throughout year #constchat
— Hope N Parker (@hope_parker) October 23, 2014
Q9. Not asked. Not answered. 🙂
It happens. 🙂
Q10 For the “stale leads” how do you contact them? Phone, Email, Card?
Q10. Email is a good bet for older leads since phone takes so much time. It depends on how big you are & how much time you have. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) October 23, 2014
@RigginsConst A10. Phone wins hands down. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) October 23, 2014
A10. Depends on the client. Big prospect with multiple projects = phone call #constchat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) October 23, 2014
.@RigginsConst A10. Phone, sometimes in person. Depends on the previous interaction. #constchat
— Jewett Construction (@JewettConstruct) October 23, 2014
A10. First send out emails and then follow up with phone calls? #constchat
— AEC Daily (@AECdaily) October 23, 2014
A10: We contact them depending on our last contact. If it was email we do that but most of the time it's calling. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) October 23, 2014
@RigginsConst We do periodic postcard mailings in year to 'inactive' or 'prospective' customers in database #constchat
— Hope N Parker (@hope_parker) October 23, 2014
Bonus Tweets:
@RigginsConst I'm actually able to sit in on this today. First Time 🙂 #constchat
— Hope N Parker (@hope_parker) October 23, 2014
Pushed back my lunch for an hour for @RigginsConst #ConstChat
— Ace Industries, Inc. (@AceIndustries) October 23, 2014
Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.
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We track our leads and even try and narrow it down to search words if they “Google” found us.
That’s a great idea.