#ConstChat 6/4/15 Taking Vacations

Go on Vacation! #ConstChat Recap

Construction Chat is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time.  If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.

We all need breaks. But in our industry (construction and social media) there are so many demands on us for our time.

Many in our chat group are small business owners or work in small businesses. We aren’t wait staff. No one covers our tables when we’re taking a week off. Or do they?

This week’s chat was about vacations.

Q1: Do you get vacation time?


Q2: How do you take your vacation time?


Q3: Who does your job when you’re on vacation?


Q4: Do you check social media while on vacation?


Q5: What’s your advice for taking time off?


Q6 Where’s your favorite place to go on a vacation?


Q7. Where is your DREAM vacation destination?


Point of Business

We won’t have a chat Thursday, June 11, 2015, because Bridget will be on vacation.

See you on Twitter or the next #ConstChat!



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