Construction Chat is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.
We had a great chat today about resolutions, goals, and how to get there.
This week is about influence.
We hear a lot about ROI (Return on Investment) but what about influence? Does influence help or hurt us in the contracting industry?
Sounds like we all agree that influence is heavily connected to integrity / authenticity #ConstChat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) January 29, 2015
Q1: How do you define influence?
A1. "the capacity of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, etc.of others" #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) January 29, 2015
A1. Influence is the ability to make things happen & have all feel vested in the outcome. It's positive – not politics or games. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) January 29, 2015
A1: Influence is how well your output is trending through the chosen medium. Based mostly of Reach/interaction insight #constchat
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) January 29, 2015
A1: The power to make things happen #ConstChat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) January 29, 2015
A1. Influence – when more people wish to engage with you than you can possibly reply to #ConstChat
— Carol Hagen (@carolhagen) January 29, 2015
@RigginsConst We define influence through customers. We leave the job & they're impressed with our work/service. They share that. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) January 29, 2015
Influence is also when your crowd of listeners tunes in every week cause your content is great #ConstChat
— Carol Hagen (@carolhagen) January 29, 2015
Q2: Who has influence?
A2. We all have influence within our own spheres, some more than others. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 29, 2015
A2. Everyone. More so with social media. Ask GoDaddy 😉 #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) January 29, 2015
A2. In this day & age, anybody w/ good networking skills can have influence. You have to build it before you need it though. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) January 29, 2015
@iSqFt @RigginsConst Yes! Customers will convey that trust to others. Then becomes a no brained to hire us. That's how we roll! #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) January 29, 2015
@RigginsConst A2: Anyone and anything can influence! #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) January 29, 2015
A2. I think everybody has influence, whether they realize it or not. Especially with how social the world is today. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) January 29, 2015
Q3: How can you get (or increase) influence?
This question had a lot of responses. Be ready to scroll.
a3: I think you just need to be yourself and those who "get you" are attracted to you IMO #ConstChat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) January 29, 2015
A3. By honestly trying to help others without expecting gain #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) January 29, 2015
Great question….A. Work…a lot. Learn your craft…be a real. I know its cliche, but authentic. #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) January 29, 2015
A3. Focus on topics your are passionate about and share it freely everywhere #ConstChat
— Carol Hagen (@carolhagen) January 29, 2015
A3. Influence comes from proactive contact & having information that's needed. Building professional friendships is key. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) January 29, 2015
.@RigginsConst Content development, customer service, and also just caring. People want to know you are listening and talking. #constchat
— Jewett Construction (@JewettConstruct) January 29, 2015
A3. Share what you have learned and always continue learning. Be yourself, too. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 29, 2015
@TessWittler @RigginsConst social media, blogs, facebook pages can help spread the awareness #ConstChat
— Jessica D (@doorcloserdoc) January 29, 2015
@RigginsConst A3: Be honest and share relevant content. If you build it, they will come. #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) January 29, 2015
A3: Increase your influence by breaking down barriers. The Const process is a barrier so we post all about it. We build off that. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) January 29, 2015
A3:? Ahead of the curve perhaps @MussachioArch #ConstChat
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) January 29, 2015
A3. Honesty and integrity are a large part of influence, too. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 29, 2015
A3: Support other brands. Comment, like and encourage them. People will view you as someone they want to know. #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) January 29, 2015
A3. On social media, being resourceful to others helps immensely. And having the courage to speak the truth. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 29, 2015
Q4: How does influence affect our behavior?
I always say try to make someone elese job easier #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) January 29, 2015
Customers are the byproduct RT @RigginsConst So, influence isn't just about getting customers, right? It can be peer-to-peer. #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) January 29, 2015
A4. You need to be careful how you use it or you will lose it #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) January 29, 2015
@RigginsConst many times all it takes is word-of-mouth to gain customers too! #ConstChat
— Jessica D (@doorcloserdoc) January 29, 2015
A4. Try to do what helps others while keeping your own integrity. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 29, 2015
A4. You have to belive in what you say. No snake oil selling. Thats gets sussed out QUICK! #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) January 29, 2015
A4. Influence affects our behavior by making us think deeply, inspires us to share the info or gets us involved #ConstChat
— Carol Hagen (@carolhagen) January 29, 2015
A4: It makes us more aware of our brand and customers: wants, needs of how to grow together #constchat
— US SPEC (@usspecproducts) January 29, 2015
@RigginsConst A4: Influence makes us think, thinking turns us into innovators. #Constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) January 29, 2015
A4. With great power comes great responsiblity. 😉 Be honest, keep your integrity or else people's trust will go out the window. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) January 29, 2015
#constchat A4: Talking to everyone you can, conducting first hand research and not settling for what's already out there
— Bridgit (@GoBridgit) January 29, 2015
A4: Influence is the base question . Will this help us? Does this show our expertise? Does this help the customer? If yes, do it! #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) January 29, 2015
Q5: How can we use influence on social media?
Too many great answers to not include them.
A5: Easy…social is the town crier….those who want to listen will gather, those who don't will throw rotten tomatoes. 🙂 #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) January 29, 2015
A5. Here on Twitter influence is about a two-way conversation. Not just spouting. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 29, 2015
A5. To promote good conversations and engagements #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) January 29, 2015
A5: Spread unique content, solicit input from other industry experts #ConstChat
— Bridgit (@GoBridgit) January 29, 2015
a5: 2-way conversation, being yourself, helping others, authenticity #ConstChat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) January 29, 2015
A5. SM is such a great way to show what we know. Show people you're an industry expert and you're golden. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) January 29, 2015
@RigginsConst A5: On social media, influence is about genuinely connecting with your customers and building relationships. #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) January 29, 2015
A5. If you’re real & helpful over the long-term on social media, you’ll build influence. In the end, it’s about trust. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) January 29, 2015
A5. Be open to dialog, be real and supportive. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) January 29, 2015
A5. To change thinking, introduce new ideas, find answers, attract prospects and connect with customers #ConstChat
— Carol Hagen (@carolhagen) January 29, 2015
A5: Be a resource, a tool, and the rest will come #constchat
— Mussachio Architects (@MussachioArch) January 29, 2015
A5: Take the lead, do what others aren't. It's a risk but can build your influence. If you put yourself out there, people respond #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) January 29, 2015
Q6: How can you KEEP your influence?
This unscheduled question had a lot of responses, too.
A6. Be true to yourself and your brand #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) January 29, 2015
A6. Just keep on keepin' on. Continue to be true and authentic and bring new, quality stuff to the table. #constchat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) January 29, 2015
A6: Staying true to who you are; sincere #ConstChat
— Tess Wittler (@TessWittler) January 29, 2015
A6. Keep doing what you're doing! Don't get the influence and then act differently. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) January 29, 2015
A6: Be the person we'd look to for help!!! #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) January 29, 2015
Q6. Stay relevent. Never stop sharing. Help others. Spread the influence! #ConstChat
— Carol Hagen (@carolhagen) January 29, 2015
A6. I ask myself all the time: Would I hire us to do this function? All the time. If not, we dont do it. IE SEO #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) January 29, 2015
A6. Again back to sincerity. Understanding the brand's vision and voicing it. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) January 29, 2015
A6 you worked hard to get the influence, don't stop now #ConstChat
— Tony Booth (@anthonybooth) January 29, 2015
A6: Stay consistent. Keep doing what works but keep trying new things. Be human! #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) January 29, 2015
@rigginsConst A6: if you're doing well then just keep going! #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) January 29, 2015
A6. Don't lose sight of who you are, who your brand is, & who your customers are. Don't stop talking, sharing & improving. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) January 29, 2015
A6: Be a resource and be available. Sometimes someone just has a quick question. Doing small things for people is BIG! #constchat
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) January 29, 2015
Bonus Tweet:
I think there is a lot of responsibility with influence… #ConstChat
— Darren Slaughter (@DarrenSlaughtr) January 29, 2015
@InfinityPoolsTX @RigginsConst Great response! Ultimately it comes down to whether our customers trust us. That's vital. #ConstChat
— iSqFt® (@iSqFt) January 29, 2015
We're so happy this #constchat exists! Thanks again @RigginsConst! I leave this chat so inspired!
— Infinity Pools Texas (@InfinityPoolsTX) January 29, 2015
What’s your two cents?
Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.