Tag Archives: trades

Advocate for the Trades Early – #ConstChat Recap

Construction Chat  is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time.  If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.

#ConstChat - Future of TradesmenThis week’s chat topic was chosen by guest host is @HilineBuilders — future of tradesmen.

He says: “I’m curious to know who’s feeling it the most right now. We on the west are seeing a sharp increase in the work flow. And I think we’re just now dealing with the challenge of accommodating our labor needs.”

Read: Three Ways Builders can Attract Millennials

“‘Often, a worker’s fate would depend on whether he was skilled or unskilled,’ said Cindy Creighton, the executive director of the Nevada Subcontractors Association. ‘Many unskilled workers would refer family members or roommates to jobs, and then they all would be dramatically affected during job cutbacks,’ Creighton said. There is a certain irony, though, that so many people had to leave construction, though, since the industry is now so short-handed. ‘Everybody’s just screaming for labor—you can literally go door-to-door, fill out your application, do your e-Verify, and go to work,’ she said.” ~ Alana Semuels “Where Have All The Construction Workers Gone?” The Atlantic 2/13/15

Q1: What region are you from and what’s your work flow like?

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Future of Tradesmen – Guest Host @HilineBuilders – #ConstChat 2/19/15

#ConstChat - Future of TradesmenAre you in construction? Do you want to build up your following? Are you looking to connect with the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) community?

You’re in luck!

Joining our weekly Twitter Chat may just be the right thing for you.

Construction Chat is on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time.

How to Join a Chat:

1. Follow the hashtag on Twitter (but don’t forget to add #ConstChat manually after your tweet or we won’t see your tweet).

2. Use Hootsuite or TweetDeck and make a column for #ConstChat (but don’t forget to put #ConstChat manually after your tweet).

3. Go to the Twubs page for #ConstChat.

4. My preferred method is using TweetChat. Just go here and log in with your Twitter account. You can even highlight the moderator so you don’t miss questions. Continue reading