Category Archives: Our Team

“The Conductor” by Christine Schmidt on Flickr

Does a project need a superintendent? Does an orchestra need a conductor?

“Conducting is the art of directing a musical performance by way of visible gestures. The primary duties of the conductor are to unify performers, set the tempo, execute clear preparations and beats, and to listen critically and shape the sound of the ensemble.” Wikipedia 

You just bought tickets to see a symphony. You and your Plus One are in black tie, expecting the night of your life – a night to remember.

The curtain opens. Puzzled, you don’t notice a conductor. It shouldn’t matter. You look at each other and smile. The orchestra begins. How will it sound?

Just like a symphony, tradespeople and their teams need to be coordinated. If there isn’t onsite supervision and project management, where do they look to?

Does the floor go in first or the doors? Does it matter? You have drawings so everyone’s on the same page. You think. Continue reading

Tom at a Tilt Up Project 11/20/1989 in Lake Forest.

Reason Number 8 to Blog: Getting to Know The People Behind the Brand

There are many reasons that a company should have a blog and we covered a few of them back in this post including authority, creativity, perspective, focus, and social sharing.

Reason 6 to blog is to be found by people and loved by search engines. Yep. People ask “how to fix cracks in concrete tilt-up panels.”

Reason 7 to blog is problem solving. When you blog to solve a problem, you’re serving your audience (current and potential clients).

Reason 8 to blog: Familiarity

Another reason to blog is so that people can get to know you and your company a bit better. On one of my past anniversaries, I did a “Featured Tweeter” spot about myself for that reason.

Getting to Know Tom Riggins

For this blog’s five year anniversary, I’m highlighting Tom Riggins, our President.

Tom isn’t just a board member and off-site owner. He is our primary project manager. This means he meets with clients, hosts jobs walks with subcontractors, estimates jobs, coordinates with our design-build team, and makes time for building surveys, a client favorite. Now, that’s a lot of hats!

Growing up in the construction industry gave Tom years of experience beyond his age in estimating, project management, and supervision of new, remodel, and tenant improvement work.

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Featured Tweeter @RigginsConst

Everyone starts somewhere in Social Media.  Tips and tricks we’ve all learned along the way can be especially helpful to those still navigating uncharted waters.

This interview series features twitter accounts in and around the construction industry, a growing population within the Twittersphere.  My only disclaimer is that I do not always agree with the advice.

By popular demand, and in celebration of my 5th anniversary at Riggins Construction & Mangement, Inc., I have included my answers to these questions.  I hope they prove helpful.

Riggins Twitter AvatarStats:

Twitter Name: @RigginsConst
Twitter Bio: Commercial General Contractor in Orange County | Building Relationships Since 1977. | CSLB 335720 | Tweets by Bridget | Disclaimer: Follow ≠ Endorsement
City/State: Santa Ana, CA
Main Website:
Facebook Page:
Admin Name:  Bridget Willard
LinkedIN Profile:
Klout Score: 57
Followers: 5,009 (9/2/2011)
Following:Follower Ratio: .83


Bridget Willard, Office Manager1. When did you start your twitter account?

March 19, 2009:  Having already been an active twitter user since 2007, when the recession hit us it occurred to me that we should start a twitter account for Riggins. We have been tweeting ever since.

2. What was your biggest obstacle in twitter?

As much as I loved Twitter and used it as a personal outlet for all subjects taboo, with a rant thrown in here and there for good measure, I had doubts about Twitter for business.  It was an experiment doomed to fail, personally, by me.  (Can you believe it? Shortly after we had a great customer service experience that I outline in this post.)

Since I had been using Twitter on my own, the syntax didn’t phase me and, to be totally honest, wasn’t a large hurdle in the first place.  I just watched accounts that I trusted and copied their style.

It was the retweet syntax or conversation with context that took me a while to decide upon.  I soon realized that I like to respond at the beginning of the tweet (truncating as necessary).

My response RT @personA Original Text which could have been a quote or a question or …


@personA Original Text which could have been a quote or a question or something way way longer. | My response


@personA Original Text which could have been a quote or a question or something way way longer. // My response

or (and possibly the worst because there is no context)

@personA My Response

But, like most things in social media, this is a personal choice.  My feeling is that because of the way email is formatted, we’ve all become used to reading the newest item first.  It’s really up to you. Continue reading

Community Project: National Children’s Forest Visitor’s Center

John at the Children's Forest MuseumRiggins Construction & Management, Inc. is proud to have recently assisted in a joint community project at the Children’s Forest Visitor Center located in Running Springs, California.

The National Children’s Forest is 3,400 acres of forest nestled in the San Bernardino Mountains.  Their website shows their mission statement:

The mission of Children’s Forest is to provide opportunities for children to take a leadership role in forest management by giving them a legitimate voice in caring for the forest; and through formal education and volunteer programs, evoke a fascination with nature that engenders a commitment to life-long learning and forest stewardship.

Riggins Construction & Management, Inc. first assisted other volunteers in the relocation of existing furniture within the visitor’s facility as well as the removal of an existing wall structure and its related electrical components. Continue reading