Construction Chat is a weekly chat on Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. If you’re free, we’d love you to join us.
This week’s chat topic is about trend jumping.
Jumping on trends is very controversial. Is it real marketing or a waste of time?
Most recently we all encounter The Dress.
When the debate about whether The Dress is black and blue or white and gold filled up Twitter and Facebook, people were either jumping on the trend or raging against it.
Adweek highlights some marketing wins here.
What about the Construction Industry and The Dress?
Behr paint jumped in on The Dress with these two tweets.
Technically, #thedress is French Melody PPQ-17 & Eagle Rock S-H-730. Check it out on our app!
— Behr Paint (@BehrPaint) February 27, 2015
It doesn’t matter which color you see, we’ve got you covered. #TheDress
— Behr Paint (@BehrPaint) February 27, 2015
Sean Lintow wrote a blog post reminding us as builders should invest in color swatches and samples to show clients in person. The Dress debate reminds us that you never know how someone will see color online.
Lots of answers. Lots of scrolling.
Q1: How do you first hear about trends?
@RigginsConst A1. SM, television, colleagues, internet, and more. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) March 19, 2015
A1. Hear about trends first on Twitter. Occasionally check trending topics, too. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) March 19, 2015
A1. Facebook and Twitter typically. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) March 19, 2015
A1. Social media–usually Facebook or Twitter. #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) March 19, 2015
A1: I first hear about trends from Twitter! (Usually) #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) March 19, 2015
Pretty much nails it RT @ZirconTools: @RigginsConst A1. SM, television, colleagues, internet, and more. #constchat
— Sean Lintow Sr. (@The_HTRC) March 19, 2015
A1. It's imperative to keep up w/ social media and the news so we can stay on top of trends. Being confused isn't cute. #ConstChat
— Megan Smale (@megan_smale) March 19, 2015
A1: I hear about them from all you wonderful folks… and the remainder of my news feeds… and a few publications of course | #constchat
— CanIgetNAmen (@CanIgetNAmen) March 19, 2015
A1. Like with #TheDress…went to a bball game & didn't check my phone until late. Was basically the only thing on my FB feed. #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) March 19, 2015
@RigginsConst @TheFabSocial I adore @tumblr and @BuzzFeed. They've got their finger on what's going on, for better or worse. #ConstChat
— Megan Smale (@megan_smale) March 19, 2015
Q2: Should marketers jump in on trends?
A2 – depends, just to say you jumped in isn't good, good to have something to add to hopefully make yourself memorable #constchat
— Sean Lintow Sr. (@The_HTRC) March 19, 2015
I think it depends on the topic. It can be fine if aligned correctly RT @RigginsConst: Q2: Should marketers jump in on trends? #constchat
— Jewett Construction (@JewettConstruct) March 19, 2015
@RigginsConst That's why a visual trend is a good way to go. Simple and spreads quickly. #TheDress #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) March 19, 2015
A2 Yes, but you need to have a good strategy. And don't jump on EVERY trend. Pick & choose ones that make sense for your company. #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) March 19, 2015
A2. If you can make it relevant or funny sure. But if not then skip it. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) March 19, 2015
A2. Yes, definitely marketers should jump on trends, adding their own context. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) March 19, 2015
A2: So long as your staying on something relivent to your brand/product, or can draw real-world comparisons #constchat
— CanIgetNAmen (@CanIgetNAmen) March 19, 2015
A2: Only if it directly applies to them in some way, people can't do everything! #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) March 19, 2015
A2.The trend needs to be relevant and it shouldn't have crested. Otherwise you look dorky and attention seeking. #ConstChat
— Megan Smale (@megan_smale) March 19, 2015
Agree 100% MT @ZirconTools: A2. IF they are relevant & fit into the timing, branding & overall scheme of the company. If not, no. #constchat
— Jewett Construction (@JewettConstruct) March 19, 2015
A2. I loved the car pic of #TheDress. So clever. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) March 19, 2015
Q3: Is it harder for the construction industry to jump in on trends?
@RigginsConst A3. No, I don't think so. It would be the same marketing principles as another type of industry. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) March 19, 2015
Harder? Not sure. Maybe less likely. RT @RigginsConst: Q3: Is it harder for the construction industry to jump in on trends? #constchat
— Jewett Construction (@JewettConstruct) March 19, 2015
A3. Not necessarily. You just have to be creative. #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) March 19, 2015
A3. Doesn't have to be. Humor always works. Takes creativity, though. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) March 19, 2015
A3 – yes & no, some trades / groups can easily incorporate a trend into their marketing where others maybe harder pressed #constchat
— Sean Lintow Sr. (@The_HTRC) March 19, 2015
A3. The construction industry, like all industries, needs to just go for it. Trends can be as simple as a conference #. #ConstChat
— Megan Smale (@megan_smale) March 19, 2015
@RigginsConst A3: Not necessarily, just a different topic – that's all. #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) March 19, 2015
A3 I tend to be cautious using #trendingtopic w #construction but that might be a mistake #ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) March 19, 2015
A3: I think the relevant target demographic is harder to reach online over standard comsumer bases. Lotta old school const ppl #constchat
— CanIgetNAmen (@CanIgetNAmen) March 19, 2015
Q4: When is it too late to jump on the trend?
LOL at earlier tweet on when it hits the morning news… RT @RigginsConst: Q4: When is it too late to jump on the trend? #constchat
— Sean Lintow Sr. (@The_HTRC) March 19, 2015
A4. Apparently, never. Hence ThrowBackThursdays. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) March 19, 2015
Wow Great Question. 24 hours in the #socialMedia World? RT @RigginsConst: Q4: When is it too late to jump on the trend? #constchat
— Jewett Construction (@JewettConstruct) March 19, 2015
A4. When the morning news has the trend. When everyone starts doing it. When it's expected. Stop doing expected things. #ConstChat
— Megan Smale (@megan_smale) March 19, 2015
A4. Sometimes the trend steamrolls but after 48 hours most of the good responses have been used. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) March 19, 2015
A4. I think you need to move pretty quickly. Otherwise, just look desperate & like you're playing catch-up. #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) March 19, 2015
@RigginsConst A4: All depends on the trend. A day might be too late, week, month…Look at dress v. ice bucket. #constchat
— Milan Jara (@Milan_Jara) March 19, 2015
Q5: What’s the ROI of jumping on a trend?
Depends on brand relevancy. If it's off brand it's really LOW. RT @RigginsConst: Q5: What's the ROI of jumping on a trend? #constchat
— Jewett Construction (@JewettConstruct) March 19, 2015
A5 – could be 0 or be large if you nail it – in many cases you could argue that you are saying relevant & in front of customers #constchat
— Sean Lintow Sr. (@The_HTRC) March 19, 2015
Depends on brand relevancy. If it's off brand it's really LOW. RT @RigginsConst: Q5: What's the ROI of jumping on a trend? #constchat
— Jewett Construction (@JewettConstruct) March 19, 2015
A5. People with a similar sensibility will follow you if you jump on Trending Topics. #ConstChat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) March 19, 2015
A4. Use the trend to spark your own new "trend" rather than jumping on to something already in motion. Be a leader. #constchat
— Zircon Corporation (@ZirconTools) March 19, 2015
Can we get an amen? RT @RigginsConst A5. I say if people notice you or are reminded of you, it's good. #constchat
— Window Works CA (@WindowWorksCA) March 19, 2015
Q5. People being aware of your brand. #constchat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) March 19, 2015
A5. It's the playful unexpectedness of it. Clever for no reason is bad. Being playful and funny and delighting? Awesome. #ConstChat
— Megan Smale (@megan_smale) March 19, 2015
A5. Well, if you get people talking/replying then I'd say it's successful. Needs to be seen, otherewise who cares? #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) March 19, 2015
A5: I care more about realivency and SEO to bother with this… in a short term model #constchat
— CanIgetNAmen (@CanIgetNAmen) March 19, 2015
A5 – if done correctly ROI is positive, if done incorrectly, in bad taste, etc. the negative impact on ROI is severe #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) March 19, 2015
Q6. Can you share a good example of a Construction company jumping on a trend?
This is the saddest bunch of answers. I could only come up with Behr Paint. We need to work on our coolness factor.
A6. That is a good question. Can't think of one at the moment. #ConstChat
— HagerCo (@HagerCo) March 19, 2015
A6. Drawing a blank. #ConstChat
— JorgMaterialHandling (@MaterialHndling) March 19, 2015
A6. I can't share a specific instance, but @HGCconstruction does a nice job w/ their SM. Good POV, interaction, etc. #ConstChat
— Megan Smale (@megan_smale) March 19, 2015
@RigginsConst Everyone just ran to @mashable to search for #construction. #ConstChat
— Jewett Construction (@JewettConstruct) March 19, 2015
A6 – sure everyone will think of a few later – got to say best is companies like paint that can create / start there own #constchat
— Sean Lintow Sr. (@The_HTRC) March 19, 2015
Bonus Tweets:
Moreover, company leadership should empower their teams to take a risk on a trend. Waiting for approval? You'll miss the boat. #ConstChat
— Megan Smale (@megan_smale) March 19, 2015
Oreo's Superbowl blackout tweet from a couple years back was a good example of taking advantage of what's trending #ConstChat
— Construction Data (@cdcnews) March 19, 2015
#MarchMadness Basketball trick shots with a #warehouse #forklift #forklifts #ConstChat
— Liftec Forklifts (@LiftecForklifts) March 19, 2015
What’s your two cents?
Do you have an answer you want to contribute? Feel free to add it in the comments.